Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team and I hope
this blog post finds you happy, healthy and busy
for the upcoming holiday season which has officially
started! Many of you have participated in the
Black Friday and The Cyber Monday events on Etsy
and I hope that the sales are rolling in for everyone!
Today we have are featuring our friend Connie from Connie is a delight and such
a wonderful team member, friend and Cssteam Family
member. Always out there on the forums posting and
promoting us all. I thought that this little
Christmas Shoppe is perfect for a little spotlight
this week so I hope you have fun strolling through
this adorable shoppe for vintage holiday goodies!
Before we go shopping...let's get to know Connie
a little bit better! As you all know we are doing
a little fun bio of our members now so I hope you
Let's start with FAVORITES : )
favorite food pizza
favorite color yellow
favorite tv shows American Idol, House
favorite music country
favorite movies Heidi with Shirley Temple
your favorite vintage piece impossible to say, I love all vintage
Connie and family have a special little pet named Bosco, a boxer.
He likes to be picked up like a child when you come home and hug you.
He will very emotional and will sit and cry if you ignore him.
If you were stranded on an island...what 5 things would you
take with you? My 5 kids, maybe not what you meant, but they
are my pride and joy and the only thing that matters to me.
Now I asked...what would you take if the kids were a given :)
here is that answer...
Survival??? Mascara,lipstick, good book, coffee, iced tea with
lemon, I'd be set! Now, I'm wondering what that says about
me??? I started drinking coffee at age 14 on a camping trip,
of course with lots of cream and sugar. I now drink it black.
Ice tea was served at every meal. I was a bookworm growing up
and still love to read but don't have the time. And makeup?
Well, can't live without that! I sold cosmetics for several
years and can never have enough!!
How long have you been business?
I started in 1993 by selling in antique malls.
How long have you sold on line?
2 1/2 years, but it seems longer than that!
what prompted you to sell online? to generate more income.
How many sites to you sell on and give the links :
My Trinkets and Treasures
(being switched to a new domain with my etsy
shop name Antiques Galore Gal)
Bewitching Hollow
Antiques Galore Gal
Vintage Tinsel
Antiques Galore Gal
Do you sell off line in an antique or craft shop?
I started in 1993 by selling in antique malls.
At one time I was in 5 different ones, 2 of which were 1
hour away in different directions from my home.
I opened up a brick and mortar in Kimmswick, Missouri
almost 8 years ago. Kimmswick is a historical town with
90 residents that sits on the banks of the mighty
Mississippi river. It is about 30" south of St. Louis.
Anything else you would like us to know : )
I am a proud member of the etsy cssteam.
Well I bet you know Connie a lot better now and hope
you enjoyed your little visit with let's
take a peek at and don't forget
to drop by! Thank you Connie
for being such a wonderful family member!!! We all
are sending you hugs and please send Connie a heart if
you all ready haven't and drop a little comment for a smile!
and antiquesgaloregal...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Featured Seller: RoseRidgeCreations
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team and HAPPY MONDAY!
Well I have been looking around at all the incredible listings
that we have from CSST and WOW and I impressed and we hit
OVER the 10,000 mark -- how great is that! We are making out
mark in the wonderful world of ETSY and I hope more and more
people begin to notice us...we sure do have style and talent
that is all I can say. I wish you all tons of sales and the
Well it is time for another Featured Member of the WEEK!!!!
Today we celebrate -- Oh what
a delightful shoppe she has! You have to take a peek and
send her your heart! RoseRidge is always busy promoting the
team and being a great friend to all! We so appreciate her
and everything that she does! Now as you know we started a
new format so we get to know our team mates a little bit better!
Well here in her own words is a insiders view!
And here's my story: My favorite food is anything that my
husband cooks. He's such a wonderful cook that I actually hate
to go to restaurants. My favorite color is green. It's the color
of nature and life. I love reality shows. Blame it on the voyeur
in me. I love to see how other people live. I love all kinds of
good music, but am really enjoying the new Barbara Streisand cd.
My favorite single of the moment is the Black Eyed Peas "Today's
Gonna Be a Good Day." It's such a positive song and it's
impossible to be in a bad mood when you hear it. My favorite
movies are City of Angels, An Affair to Remember and A Star
Is Born. Both versions of the last two. A good movie is a good
movie no matter when it's made. My favorite vintage piece is my
grandmother's wedding ring that I inherited when she passed on.
It makes me smile every time I look at it. She was a wonderful woman.
Everyone on Etsy knows my pet. She's the star of my shop.
Miss Bianca is the light of my life and I love spending everyday
with her. I rescued her from the wrong family that was giving
her away and she's loved me for it ever since. We recently
rescued a cat that was dropped in our neighborhood. She showed
up very sick and emaciated and she's the picture of health now.
The only problem is Miss Bianca doesn't like to share.
We're working on that. They're slowing warming up to one another.
If I were stranded on a desert island the five things I'd want
to have with me are these two little furry angels and my hubby,
my hubby, my hubby. If I have these guys I have everything.
I've been sewing for 37 years, but only charging for my creations
for the last year. About a year ago I started getting a strong
message from my employer that my job was in danger and I was
given my walking papers on March 4th of this year.
Very shortly after that I opened my Etsy shop and have been
loving the creative environment. Etsy has helped me make
lemonade out of the lemons that life has given me. I have
tried selling on other sites and there just isn't the same positive
environment that I've found on Etsy. I feel like this is exactly
what I'm supposed to be doing at exactly the right time in my
life. Thank you Etsy and all the wonderful and talented people
who buy and sell here!
Wasn't that FUN!!!! drop a little comment throughout the week!
CONGRATS and we all thank you for being our friend!!!! : )
Well I have been looking around at all the incredible listings
that we have from CSST and WOW and I impressed and we hit
OVER the 10,000 mark -- how great is that! We are making out
mark in the wonderful world of ETSY and I hope more and more
people begin to notice us...we sure do have style and talent
that is all I can say. I wish you all tons of sales and the
Well it is time for another Featured Member of the WEEK!!!!
Today we celebrate -- Oh what
a delightful shoppe she has! You have to take a peek and
send her your heart! RoseRidge is always busy promoting the
team and being a great friend to all! We so appreciate her
and everything that she does! Now as you know we started a
new format so we get to know our team mates a little bit better!
Well here in her own words is a insiders view!
And here's my story: My favorite food is anything that my
husband cooks. He's such a wonderful cook that I actually hate
to go to restaurants. My favorite color is green. It's the color
of nature and life. I love reality shows. Blame it on the voyeur
in me. I love to see how other people live. I love all kinds of
good music, but am really enjoying the new Barbara Streisand cd.
My favorite single of the moment is the Black Eyed Peas "Today's
Gonna Be a Good Day." It's such a positive song and it's
impossible to be in a bad mood when you hear it. My favorite
movies are City of Angels, An Affair to Remember and A Star
Is Born. Both versions of the last two. A good movie is a good
movie no matter when it's made. My favorite vintage piece is my
grandmother's wedding ring that I inherited when she passed on.
It makes me smile every time I look at it. She was a wonderful woman.
Everyone on Etsy knows my pet. She's the star of my shop.
Miss Bianca is the light of my life and I love spending everyday
with her. I rescued her from the wrong family that was giving
her away and she's loved me for it ever since. We recently
rescued a cat that was dropped in our neighborhood. She showed
up very sick and emaciated and she's the picture of health now.
The only problem is Miss Bianca doesn't like to share.
We're working on that. They're slowing warming up to one another.
If I were stranded on a desert island the five things I'd want
to have with me are these two little furry angels and my hubby,
my hubby, my hubby. If I have these guys I have everything.
I've been sewing for 37 years, but only charging for my creations
for the last year. About a year ago I started getting a strong
message from my employer that my job was in danger and I was
given my walking papers on March 4th of this year.
Very shortly after that I opened my Etsy shop and have been
loving the creative environment. Etsy has helped me make
lemonade out of the lemons that life has given me. I have
tried selling on other sites and there just isn't the same positive
environment that I've found on Etsy. I feel like this is exactly
what I'm supposed to be doing at exactly the right time in my
life. Thank you Etsy and all the wonderful and talented people
who buy and sell here!
Wasn't that FUN!!!! drop a little comment throughout the week!
CONGRATS and we all thank you for being our friend!!!! : )
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Featured Seller: SimpleJoysPaperie
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! I know I
have been absent from our fabulous blog for a bit
but as most of you know my mother in law Mary was
very ill with terminal brain cancer and was in
hospice care...she passed to the grand heavens this
week and may she rest in peace. My family and I thank you
for all of your love and are truly the
greatest...sending you all love and hugs. pops, family
and doxies : )
Now I am sure you are all ready to meet the Member
of the week!!! This is the first of many...we have
changed our style a little bit...thought you would like
to really get to know our members so this is a new
style of feature that I hope you enjoy. Drum Roll
Meet Lana from
Well Lana has been a member for awhile now and has been
stealing many a show with her front page exposure and
being featured in the gift guide and her beautiful
wreaths flash on the front page banner countless times
a day : ) We are all so happy for her. Her work is
fabulous...intricate and oh so original and unique. We
all have a love and admiration for vintage and what
she creates with those vintage pages is just amazing.
We also want to thank her for her support of our team.
Now let's get to know her a little bit better!
We will start with some favs!
What is your favorite movies:
Road to Avonlea, Cranford (Elizabeth Gaskell), North
and South, Wives and Daughters, The Jane Austen novel
movies, practially all period movies by Masterpiece
Theater and BBC.
what is your favorite tv show: Fringe
Favorite music:
Traditional gospel, contemporary Christian artists,
Enya,Celtic Woman
favorite colors:
white, cream, ivory, aqua, brown, coral
your favorite vintage piece:
a huge white ironstone pitcher I got for a song
do you have a pet? name? kind?
Are you ready?
Sam - Maine Coon mix from my Mom a few years before she
passed away
Scooter - abandoned kitten we took in
Samson – blind Pekingese my son brought home from a foster home
Snowflake – Mountain Fiest we got as a pup about 10 years ago
Smokey – TN walking horse
Pierre – Americana rooster
Colette – Americana hen
Buffy – buff orpington hen
Big Brown Girl – Colette & Pierre’s baby (now grown)
Bobbie Jo – barred rock hen (her sisters were Betty
Jo and Billie Jo)
Eowyn – white rock hen
Little Girls – 2 banty hens
How long have you been in business?
A little more than 10 years.
How long have you sold on line?
I think since 2003
What prompted you to sell online?
A friend had told me about eBay and a few Yahoo
craft groups and I decided to try those and reach a
broadercustomer base. Later, I discovered Etsy, too!
How many sites do you sell on?
1.etsy (2 shops:
2. my website (
3. Simply Primitives
4. TDIPT Mercantile (
5. The Eclectic Artisans
Do you sell off line in an antique or craft store? I currently
sell my handmade items at The Commissary in the historic
Victorian village of Rugby, TN (, and
in a gift shop in Oak Ridge, TN called The Ferrell Shop.
I also do one craft show each June. It’s the Lavender Festival
in Oak Ridge, TN.
Well I bet you know a lot more about our friend
Lana...I just noticed I forgot to as her her fav
food...i will have to add that later and if there
are other questions you would like asked to our
friends...just drop me a convo and it will be
added to our next feature : )
Hope you enjoyed and thank you so much Lana...this
was fun and we all send you hugs and wish you
all the best that life has to offer!
I am sure Lana would love to hear from you ...
drop her a little comment here : )
Here is the gorgeous shoppe and don't forget
to sheck out her other fabulous shoppe:
have been absent from our fabulous blog for a bit
but as most of you know my mother in law Mary was
very ill with terminal brain cancer and was in
hospice care...she passed to the grand heavens this
week and may she rest in peace. My family and I thank you
for all of your love and are truly the
greatest...sending you all love and hugs. pops, family
and doxies : )
Now I am sure you are all ready to meet the Member
of the week!!! This is the first of many...we have
changed our style a little bit...thought you would like
to really get to know our members so this is a new
style of feature that I hope you enjoy. Drum Roll
Meet Lana from
Well Lana has been a member for awhile now and has been
stealing many a show with her front page exposure and
being featured in the gift guide and her beautiful
wreaths flash on the front page banner countless times
a day : ) We are all so happy for her. Her work is
fabulous...intricate and oh so original and unique. We
all have a love and admiration for vintage and what
she creates with those vintage pages is just amazing.
We also want to thank her for her support of our team.
Now let's get to know her a little bit better!
We will start with some favs!
What is your favorite movies:
Road to Avonlea, Cranford (Elizabeth Gaskell), North
and South, Wives and Daughters, The Jane Austen novel
movies, practially all period movies by Masterpiece
Theater and BBC.
what is your favorite tv show: Fringe
Favorite music:
Traditional gospel, contemporary Christian artists,
Enya,Celtic Woman
favorite colors:
white, cream, ivory, aqua, brown, coral
your favorite vintage piece:
a huge white ironstone pitcher I got for a song
do you have a pet? name? kind?
Are you ready?
Sam - Maine Coon mix from my Mom a few years before she
passed away
Scooter - abandoned kitten we took in
Samson – blind Pekingese my son brought home from a foster home
Snowflake – Mountain Fiest we got as a pup about 10 years ago
Smokey – TN walking horse
Pierre – Americana rooster
Colette – Americana hen
Buffy – buff orpington hen
Big Brown Girl – Colette & Pierre’s baby (now grown)
Bobbie Jo – barred rock hen (her sisters were Betty
Jo and Billie Jo)
Eowyn – white rock hen
Little Girls – 2 banty hens
How long have you been in business?
A little more than 10 years.
How long have you sold on line?
I think since 2003
What prompted you to sell online?
A friend had told me about eBay and a few Yahoo
craft groups and I decided to try those and reach a
broadercustomer base. Later, I discovered Etsy, too!
How many sites do you sell on?
1.etsy (2 shops:
2. my website (
3. Simply Primitives
4. TDIPT Mercantile (
5. The Eclectic Artisans
Do you sell off line in an antique or craft store? I currently
sell my handmade items at The Commissary in the historic
Victorian village of Rugby, TN (, and
in a gift shop in Oak Ridge, TN called The Ferrell Shop.
I also do one craft show each June. It’s the Lavender Festival
in Oak Ridge, TN.
Well I bet you know a lot more about our friend
Lana...I just noticed I forgot to as her her fav
food...i will have to add that later and if there
are other questions you would like asked to our
friends...just drop me a convo and it will be
added to our next feature : )
Hope you enjoyed and thank you so much Lana...this
was fun and we all send you hugs and wish you
all the best that life has to offer!
I am sure Lana would love to hear from you ...
drop her a little comment here : )
Here is the gorgeous shoppe and don't forget
to sheck out her other fabulous shoppe:
Monday, August 10, 2009
Cottage Hits the Somerset Style!
A big hello to everyone! I hope you are all staying cool.
The heatwave is starting up again today so take care of
yourselves and stay hydrated! Well we had a good week
of promoing on our thread but alas Etsy is very slow
and I think that twitter being down a bit hurt here
and there. But now on the HIGHER end of life...the
holidays are on their way (could use some of that Fall
weather) are going back to school and all of
this means that Etsy sales will be up really soon so
keep on creating and coming up with marvelous artwork,
creative supplies, spectacular vintage and oh so
much more...I feel the sales fairy coming through the
air and about to land!
Oh we have some big news!!!! In lieu of our featured
seller of the week we are featuring three of our
family members... Tina from and
Diane from and
Tammy -- They are SOMERSET
STARS this month! Yes...two of our friends have been
featured in Somerset and oh how fabulous they look.
Cottage Style is getting more attention out there
ladies! How exciting is this! These lovely ladies deserve
every bit of their fame (hopefully fortune :) and we
all want to celebrate and congratulate them!
Stop by --
Send them your heart and send them a little comment
here...I know they would love that!
Another HUGE CONGRATULATIONS from the entire
Cottage Style Street Time FAMILY!!!! We are soooooo
happy for you both! Hugs from us all!!!!
Presenting and this AMAZING
Creation! A true work of ART!

Presenting and her precious
mini signs! Too CUTE!

The heatwave is starting up again today so take care of
yourselves and stay hydrated! Well we had a good week
of promoing on our thread but alas Etsy is very slow
and I think that twitter being down a bit hurt here
and there. But now on the HIGHER end of life...the
holidays are on their way (could use some of that Fall
weather) are going back to school and all of
this means that Etsy sales will be up really soon so
keep on creating and coming up with marvelous artwork,
creative supplies, spectacular vintage and oh so
much more...I feel the sales fairy coming through the
air and about to land!
Oh we have some big news!!!! In lieu of our featured
seller of the week we are featuring three of our
family members... Tina from and
Diane from and
Tammy -- They are SOMERSET
STARS this month! Yes...two of our friends have been
featured in Somerset and oh how fabulous they look.
Cottage Style is getting more attention out there
ladies! How exciting is this! These lovely ladies deserve
every bit of their fame (hopefully fortune :) and we
all want to celebrate and congratulate them!
Stop by --
Send them your heart and send them a little comment
here...I know they would love that!
Another HUGE CONGRATULATIONS from the entire
Cottage Style Street Time FAMILY!!!! We are soooooo
happy for you both! Hugs from us all!!!!
Presenting and this AMAZING
Creation! A true work of ART!

Presenting and her precious
mini signs! Too CUTE!


Monday, August 3, 2009
Featured Seller: PetitePear
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Hope you all had
a wonderful weekend and are ready for the new week ahead.
Nothing earth shattering happening this week but I will
say there has been a lot of chatting and promoing going
on and that is FABULOUS!
It is a really slow time on Etsy and I know that many of
you are a little down about it (myself included)...we all
have to hang in each other...send each
other a smile throughout the day and keep on promoing...
I completely believe it is the time of year and come the
middle of September when things get back to "normal" I
am sure the sales will pick up...YAY TEAM! : ) lol!!!
So hang in there -- there will be a light at the end
of the tunnel soon...I know it!!! : )
Well it is time to celebrate another Featured Member of
the week and today we introduce one of our newest members
Jenn from -- What a sensational shoppe
she has. If you are looking for the perfect card for
ANY occasion...this is the place to look! Her designs are
so gorgeous you will want to spend hours looking at all the
goodies she has in her store.
Jenn has had a love affair with paper for a long time! Any
type and kind she instantly falls in love with and oh the
creations she brings to life are amazing! I am sure that
she would love you to come on over...take a peek...send
her your heart and maybe leave a little comment here on
the blog. Come on over and share the love with the greatest
street team on ETSY!!!! If you ever forget...I have to
remind you all ROCK and are the BEST EVER!!!
Love you all...hugs...pops!
a wonderful weekend and are ready for the new week ahead.
Nothing earth shattering happening this week but I will
say there has been a lot of chatting and promoing going
on and that is FABULOUS!
It is a really slow time on Etsy and I know that many of
you are a little down about it (myself included)...we all
have to hang in each other...send each
other a smile throughout the day and keep on promoing...
I completely believe it is the time of year and come the
middle of September when things get back to "normal" I
am sure the sales will pick up...YAY TEAM! : ) lol!!!
So hang in there -- there will be a light at the end
of the tunnel soon...I know it!!! : )
Well it is time to celebrate another Featured Member of
the week and today we introduce one of our newest members
Jenn from -- What a sensational shoppe
she has. If you are looking for the perfect card for
ANY occasion...this is the place to look! Her designs are
so gorgeous you will want to spend hours looking at all the
goodies she has in her store.
Jenn has had a love affair with paper for a long time! Any
type and kind she instantly falls in love with and oh the
creations she brings to life are amazing! I am sure that
she would love you to come on over...take a peek...send
her your heart and maybe leave a little comment here on
the blog. Come on over and share the love with the greatest
street team on ETSY!!!! If you ever forget...I have to
remind you all ROCK and are the BEST EVER!!!
Love you all...hugs...pops!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Featured Seller:DishyVintage
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Hope you all had
a wonderful week and weekend and ready for the new week
ahead! Not much to go over today except that we have a
new thread and I have to say that it is hopping for the
summer time which couldn't make me happier. Hopefully in
about another 2 months we will have a live chat happening
at least once a month and that is something fun to look
forward to also. For now...enjoy your Summer and work
on all of those holiday treats and we will be running
another CSST special come the fall...SUGGESTIONS are
always welcomed!!!! so email or convo or discuss on the
thread...we are a 100 percent open team here so go for it.
Well we have a new featured seller of the week today.
Drum roll is Alison from Alison is one of our newest
members and she has jumped right into our threads and
is getting to know everyone and that always makes us
happy...the door is always open to new friends and
family members here at CSST! Alison has an adorable's a source for vintage linens, trims and
lace, papercrafting supplies and paper ephemera,
delightful crafting kits, and vintage whimsy! She is
a stay at home mom with 2 girls which i have heard
have caught the crafting bug (LOVE IT!!!) Please
drop by ...say hi to Alison...
send her your heart and leave her a little comment
here...that is always fun for the featured member!
We want to welcome Alison into our family and let
her know how much we appreciate her...WELCOME!!!
sending you hugs from us all...pops and the
CSSTEAM family! : )
a wonderful week and weekend and ready for the new week
ahead! Not much to go over today except that we have a
new thread and I have to say that it is hopping for the
summer time which couldn't make me happier. Hopefully in
about another 2 months we will have a live chat happening
at least once a month and that is something fun to look
forward to also. For now...enjoy your Summer and work
on all of those holiday treats and we will be running
another CSST special come the fall...SUGGESTIONS are
always welcomed!!!! so email or convo or discuss on the
thread...we are a 100 percent open team here so go for it.
Well we have a new featured seller of the week today.
Drum roll is Alison from Alison is one of our newest
members and she has jumped right into our threads and
is getting to know everyone and that always makes us
happy...the door is always open to new friends and
family members here at CSST! Alison has an adorable's a source for vintage linens, trims and
lace, papercrafting supplies and paper ephemera,
delightful crafting kits, and vintage whimsy! She is
a stay at home mom with 2 girls which i have heard
have caught the crafting bug (LOVE IT!!!) Please
drop by ...say hi to Alison...
send her your heart and leave her a little comment
here...that is always fun for the featured member!
We want to welcome Alison into our family and let
her know how much we appreciate her...WELCOME!!!
sending you hugs from us all...pops and the
CSSTEAM family! : )
Monday, July 20, 2009
Featured Seller: AntiquesGaloreGal
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team...yes it is a new
week and we have started a new thread on Etsy in the
Promotional Section and in the Team Section. Here is the
link to the promotional thread:
Here is the link to the chat thread:
Both of these threads will run through the month of
August so if you ever have a question about where we
are...that is where we will be until September 1, 2009.
If you have any questions about how this works...just
take a peek at our promotional thread and my opening...
hopefully that will tell you what you need to know. If
you want it in a nut shell...the promotional thread
basically stays exactly the way it was...a bit of chat...
a place to ask questions...a place to share new finds...
share new ideas and all kinds of wonderful things! If
you happen to be on with and you feel like you and
your friend or friends would like to have a long
chat...hop over to the chat forum...that is the only
time you need to go over there : ) also...if you have
any reservations or questions about this just ask ok...
but I need you to know that you really have no
restrictions : ) We are a family of friends!!! for the event you all wait for on Monday
morning...Featured Seller of the week...drum roll please drop
by Connie's is absolutely precious!
Filled with such vintage fabulous vintage finds!
Connie goes on a weekly excursion...hunting down
incredible collectibles at flea markets and
estate sales! WOW...what she finds is amazing...
each goodie she comes up with strikes a chord
to times gone by and brings the warm and loving
memory back to you. Connie is also an active
member of our team...always promoting a friend
and always willing to jump right in there to
lend a hand or share information. We are very
happy to have her as a part of our Cottage
Family and we want her to know how much we love
and appreciate her! So stop by her shoppe...
give her your heart and leave a little comment
here...I am sure she would love to hear from you!
Hugs to all...pops!
week and we have started a new thread on Etsy in the
Promotional Section and in the Team Section. Here is the
link to the promotional thread:
Here is the link to the chat thread:
Both of these threads will run through the month of
August so if you ever have a question about where we
are...that is where we will be until September 1, 2009.
If you have any questions about how this works...just
take a peek at our promotional thread and my opening...
hopefully that will tell you what you need to know. If
you want it in a nut shell...the promotional thread
basically stays exactly the way it was...a bit of chat...
a place to ask questions...a place to share new finds...
share new ideas and all kinds of wonderful things! If
you happen to be on with and you feel like you and
your friend or friends would like to have a long
chat...hop over to the chat forum...that is the only
time you need to go over there : ) also...if you have
any reservations or questions about this just ask ok...
but I need you to know that you really have no
restrictions : ) We are a family of friends!!! for the event you all wait for on Monday
morning...Featured Seller of the week...drum roll please drop
by Connie's is absolutely precious!
Filled with such vintage fabulous vintage finds!
Connie goes on a weekly excursion...hunting down
incredible collectibles at flea markets and
estate sales! WOW...what she finds is amazing...
each goodie she comes up with strikes a chord
to times gone by and brings the warm and loving
memory back to you. Connie is also an active
member of our team...always promoting a friend
and always willing to jump right in there to
lend a hand or share information. We are very
happy to have her as a part of our Cottage
Family and we want her to know how much we love
and appreciate her! So stop by her shoppe...
give her your heart and leave a little comment
here...I am sure she would love to hear from you!
Hugs to all...pops!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Featured Seller: AVintageObsession
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! I hope you
has a FABULOUS weekend. Can you believe that we
are in the middle of July all ready? Do you
hear sleigh bells ringing? That can only
mean one thing...Christmas in JULY is here! I know
that many of you have been busy creating like little
elves...listing and tagging for the event and I for
one am very excited to see what you have come up
with. For those of you that do not know exactly what
to do it is very simple. You have to tag all of
your special Holiday wares with Cssteam of course
and then another tag Christmas in July and if you
would like to add a third it would be CIJ. Many
other fellow etsians have also joined in the
spirit of the holidays are are celebrating just
like we are and some are using CIJ so if you would
like it is probably not a bad idea for a little
extra exposure but if not...NO problem you will be
found. I will be popping into the "team" forum
today to make our announcement and please drop by
there and add a link to your shoppe and of course
promote other members. It is very difficult to
keep two threads alive i know but maybe we can
give it a try...the more exposure the better. I
will post the link to the new thread in our
present forum (in a little while...etsy is down
for maintenance.) Well the easy part is done
all the creating and we have to
promote and hopefully sell your beautiful items.
I know it seems like there should be more fanfair
but in the world of the wonderful web we have
to make our own bells and whistles : ) so the
bells are ringing and the whistles are blowing
and let's try to keep them making noise through
out the 2 weeks! Here's wishing you all the
best and tons and tons of sales!!!! I know I
will be promoting you all right and left...why?
Because you are the GREATEST most wonderful
group of giving...caring...interesting...
loving ladies I have ever had the pleasure
to be around! A true family of friends!
Now for the moment we all wait for each week
our Featured Seller!!!!! Congratulations
to Lenore (don't you hear Poe's Raven being
recited in your mind : ) Lenore runs the most
delightful shoppe here on etsy... you must stop by
and check out the most gorgeous vintage items,
tiny teddy bears to antique pocket watches that
are amazing and so many treasures in between!
Lenore is a complete and utter delight,
always has interesting and very educational
conversations on our forums (genealogy being
her favorite : ) and then she is always busy
chatting with her fellow Cottage family and
PROMOTING her little fingers to support
everyone here in the magical land of Cottage.
A complete and utter delight and a fabulous
addition to our team for sure and we are
all thrilled to have her here with us!
Please drop by her FABULOUS shoppe throughout
the week...check it out...send her your
heart if you all ready haven't and leave her
a little comment...I know she would love that!
Thank you Lenore for all the you do for
your family here on etsy...we appreciate and
love you very much! Applause!!!! hugs pops
and your whole cottage style family : ) is
has a FABULOUS weekend. Can you believe that we
are in the middle of July all ready? Do you
hear sleigh bells ringing? That can only
mean one thing...Christmas in JULY is here! I know
that many of you have been busy creating like little
elves...listing and tagging for the event and I for
one am very excited to see what you have come up
with. For those of you that do not know exactly what
to do it is very simple. You have to tag all of
your special Holiday wares with Cssteam of course
and then another tag Christmas in July and if you
would like to add a third it would be CIJ. Many
other fellow etsians have also joined in the
spirit of the holidays are are celebrating just
like we are and some are using CIJ so if you would
like it is probably not a bad idea for a little
extra exposure but if not...NO problem you will be
found. I will be popping into the "team" forum
today to make our announcement and please drop by
there and add a link to your shoppe and of course
promote other members. It is very difficult to
keep two threads alive i know but maybe we can
give it a try...the more exposure the better. I
will post the link to the new thread in our
present forum (in a little while...etsy is down
for maintenance.) Well the easy part is done
all the creating and we have to
promote and hopefully sell your beautiful items.
I know it seems like there should be more fanfair
but in the world of the wonderful web we have
to make our own bells and whistles : ) so the
bells are ringing and the whistles are blowing
and let's try to keep them making noise through
out the 2 weeks! Here's wishing you all the
best and tons and tons of sales!!!! I know I
will be promoting you all right and left...why?
Because you are the GREATEST most wonderful
group of giving...caring...interesting...
loving ladies I have ever had the pleasure
to be around! A true family of friends!
Now for the moment we all wait for each week
our Featured Seller!!!!! Congratulations
to Lenore (don't you hear Poe's Raven being
recited in your mind : ) Lenore runs the most
delightful shoppe here on etsy... you must stop by
and check out the most gorgeous vintage items,
tiny teddy bears to antique pocket watches that
are amazing and so many treasures in between!
Lenore is a complete and utter delight,
always has interesting and very educational
conversations on our forums (genealogy being
her favorite : ) and then she is always busy
chatting with her fellow Cottage family and
PROMOTING her little fingers to support
everyone here in the magical land of Cottage.
A complete and utter delight and a fabulous
addition to our team for sure and we are
all thrilled to have her here with us!
Please drop by her FABULOUS shoppe throughout
the week...check it out...send her your
heart if you all ready haven't and leave her
a little comment...I know she would love that!
Thank you Lenore for all the you do for
your family here on etsy...we appreciate and
love you very much! Applause!!!! hugs pops
and your whole cottage style family : ) is
Monday, July 6, 2009
Featured Seller: CrochetCandi
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team. Hope yu
all had a wonderful Holiday Weekend! Well it is
July and what does that mean...Christmas is on the we at CSSTEAM will start celebrating a
bit early and list some Christmas goodies for all
of our Etsy friends to see! So roll out some of
those yummy treats and get them listed. Remember
do your usual tag of Cssteam and add a new tag
Christmas in July in July ( fits : ) I
will be placing and announcement in the Etsy Team
Section so people know that we are having an
event and hopefully the word will spread. I will
list the link to the forum announcement and maybe
everyone can drop in there and write a little
something about their shoppe and the holiday treats
they are featuring with a link : ) This starts
next Monday but you can of course start listing
whenever you have the time or notion to. I hope
it is fun and I really hope it gets you some sales.
Now the fun is time for our featured
member of the week...drumroll please.... or should we say our dear
friend Barbara
I laughed when I saw people welcoming her to the
team!!!! : ) I loved it! Well as you know Barb
is one of our long time members and may I say
one of our most active and supportive members from
the very start. She always has everyone's best
interest at heart and is constantly posting new
ideas and facts she finds to help us all. A
complete and utterly selfless lady. We
want her to know how much we all love and
appreciate her because she is a precious family
and friend member to us all!
Now Barb has started a new venture using her
creative a wonder
little shoppe filled with COLOR and hand made
fiber treats! You must drop by and check it out
and also send her your heart. Such fabulous
gift ideas, wonderful embellishments and oh so
much more. I promise you you are going to adore
this new shoppe...even the name is YUMMY!!!!
Thank you Barb for all that you do for each and
everyone of us. We love you...hugs...pops and
your entire CSSTEAM family!
all had a wonderful Holiday Weekend! Well it is
July and what does that mean...Christmas is on the we at CSSTEAM will start celebrating a
bit early and list some Christmas goodies for all
of our Etsy friends to see! So roll out some of
those yummy treats and get them listed. Remember
do your usual tag of Cssteam and add a new tag
Christmas in July in July ( fits : ) I
will be placing and announcement in the Etsy Team
Section so people know that we are having an
event and hopefully the word will spread. I will
list the link to the forum announcement and maybe
everyone can drop in there and write a little
something about their shoppe and the holiday treats
they are featuring with a link : ) This starts
next Monday but you can of course start listing
whenever you have the time or notion to. I hope
it is fun and I really hope it gets you some sales.
Now the fun is time for our featured
member of the week...drumroll please.... or should we say our dear
friend Barbara
I laughed when I saw people welcoming her to the
team!!!! : ) I loved it! Well as you know Barb
is one of our long time members and may I say
one of our most active and supportive members from
the very start. She always has everyone's best
interest at heart and is constantly posting new
ideas and facts she finds to help us all. A
complete and utterly selfless lady. We
want her to know how much we all love and
appreciate her because she is a precious family
and friend member to us all!
Now Barb has started a new venture using her
creative a wonder
little shoppe filled with COLOR and hand made
fiber treats! You must drop by and check it out
and also send her your heart. Such fabulous
gift ideas, wonderful embellishments and oh so
much more. I promise you you are going to adore
this new shoppe...even the name is YUMMY!!!!
Thank you Barb for all that you do for each and
everyone of us. We love you...hugs...pops and
your entire CSSTEAM family!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Featured Seller: SugarPinkBoutique and JennifersCozyCottage
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Oh how I have missed you!
Hopefully I will be back in full force soon...I am getting there
and you will be hearing from me more now : ) We have had such
an exciting month! The Great Pink Race was a huge success! It
brought us tons of exposure and we all so need that in the
wonderful world of Etsy! It brought many of us more sales
and tons more hearts! Slowly but surely we are really making
a presence on Etsy...I mean we were on the Front Page...
HOW FABULOUS IS THAT! All of these exciting events add up
to nothing but GOOD things for our team and everyone on it!
I want to thank each and everyoneof you for all of your diligence,
hard work, love and sense of family and friendship!
You girls ROCK!!!! Remember 3rd week of this month we will be
celebrating Christmas in July! It willbe posted in the team
events and hopefully we will get more looks! On July 1st
we are going to switch forums (we are on a month schedule now)
I hate switching especially with a number thatexceeds 7000!!!!
Maybe we can up it!!! : ) Stay tuned for more news! is a feature that has been sorely missed! The
featured seller of the week! This week I am happy to shine
the spotlight on one of our newest members Jennifer of and!
You must go visit her shoppes and send her your heart. You
are going to adore the goodies that she has tucked inside
these two precious stores. All things pretty is what
they are.
Jen has jumped right into our family and is loved by all.
Always there to lend a helping hand and if kind and friendly
to all! A real cottage girl for sure! We at CSSTEAM want
her to know how much we love her and appreciate her!
Applause! : )
Jen started her paper business with a dear friend also named
Jen. They both adore paper and paper crafts and thought
it was a wonderful idea and indeed it was!
Jen loves designing and decorating homes and crafting with
fabrics and paper. Well Jen is a complete and utter delight
and we are happy to have her in our family! So take
a peek into Jen's world and leave her a comment...I
know she would love that!
What a fabulous united group this is and it is because each
and everyone of you is well...FABULOUS!!! hugs and
enjoy...pops! ps...i thank you all for your love and support!!!!
thank you!
Hopefully I will be back in full force soon...I am getting there
and you will be hearing from me more now : ) We have had such
an exciting month! The Great Pink Race was a huge success! It
brought us tons of exposure and we all so need that in the
wonderful world of Etsy! It brought many of us more sales
and tons more hearts! Slowly but surely we are really making
a presence on Etsy...I mean we were on the Front Page...
HOW FABULOUS IS THAT! All of these exciting events add up
to nothing but GOOD things for our team and everyone on it!
I want to thank each and everyoneof you for all of your diligence,
hard work, love and sense of family and friendship!
You girls ROCK!!!! Remember 3rd week of this month we will be
celebrating Christmas in July! It willbe posted in the team
events and hopefully we will get more looks! On July 1st
we are going to switch forums (we are on a month schedule now)
I hate switching especially with a number thatexceeds 7000!!!!
Maybe we can up it!!! : ) Stay tuned for more news! is a feature that has been sorely missed! The
featured seller of the week! This week I am happy to shine
the spotlight on one of our newest members Jennifer of and!
You must go visit her shoppes and send her your heart. You
are going to adore the goodies that she has tucked inside
these two precious stores. All things pretty is what
they are.
Jen has jumped right into our family and is loved by all.
Always there to lend a helping hand and if kind and friendly
to all! A real cottage girl for sure! We at CSSTEAM want
her to know how much we love her and appreciate her!
Applause! : )
Jen started her paper business with a dear friend also named
Jen. They both adore paper and paper crafts and thought
it was a wonderful idea and indeed it was!
Jen loves designing and decorating homes and crafting with
fabrics and paper. Well Jen is a complete and utter delight
and we are happy to have her in our family! So take
a peek into Jen's world and leave her a comment...I
know she would love that!
What a fabulous united group this is and it is because each
and everyone of you is well...FABULOUS!!! hugs and
enjoy...pops! ps...i thank you all for your love and support!!!!
thank you!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
And The Winner IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do I have your attention : ) Well first may I wish you
a good morning and hope you all had a fabulous and
wonderful weekend. Well the time is here! We have a
winner!!!! and it is:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the crowd goes wild!!!! She really rocked the
posts! I have to tell you that Barb is just been
so supportive of this team and everyone on the team.
ALWAYS willing to lend a helping hand and always
the kind word! We want to all send you a HUGE hug
We love you and we thank you for all the attention
that you bring the fabulous team of CSSTEAM!!!!!
Now...go check out her shoppe...she has so great
new goodies!!!!!
is certainly going to have a HUGE smile on her
face when she opens this unbelievable package...
chocked filled with the finest of goodies!!!!
I want to thank each and everyone of you for all
that you have done during this race...CSSTEAM
has been shining like a bright star and will
continue! We have made a MARK on ETSY now
Now we have to send out APPLAUSE for our
runners up...second place goes to YAY!!! All of her
sensational posts and may i say FRONT
PAGE TREASURY!!! whohooo was that a thrill
seeing 12 incredible CSSTEAM members featured
FRONT AND CENTER!!!!! Thank you so much
for being such a team cheerleader!!!! Hugs
are coming your way ((((((HUGS)))))))!!!
Now we have our third place winner...drum
Now talk about a devoted CSSTEAM member!
and DAILY she brings us our treasury reports
and may i say diligently counted with me
on all of these posts (shout out to for her math skills
also : ) you rock!
and tons of hugs to you for all that you
do for the best team on etsy! ((((HUGS))))!!!
Yippee and Bramble will be getting a little
surprise package from POPS!!!
Well now that the excitement is over we
are going to keep our forum where it is
until July 1st and then from there on in we
will be going to a monthly posting. More
details for Christmas in July in the upcoming
weeks -- but if you can create at least
one item and of course plenty more if you can
just for fun! I really hope that our
team spirit stays with us and that we have
a forum post of 6000 next month! All I
can say is that it was NOTICED!!! That is
PERFECT...exactly what we want! I also
know that many of your have seen increased
sales and how FAB IS THAT!!!!!
Ok -- Pops is getting wordy : ) I just want
to thank each and everyone of you from the
bottom of my heart -- you all are a part of
my family and I know that you all feel that
way! I wake up to you special family members
and you don't have me make you breakfast : )
Thank you for EVERYTHING!!!! You are all
to wonderful for words!!!! Hugs...POPS
and family!
a good morning and hope you all had a fabulous and
wonderful weekend. Well the time is here! We have a
winner!!!! and it is:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the crowd goes wild!!!! She really rocked the
posts! I have to tell you that Barb is just been
so supportive of this team and everyone on the team.
ALWAYS willing to lend a helping hand and always
the kind word! We want to all send you a HUGE hug
We love you and we thank you for all the attention
that you bring the fabulous team of CSSTEAM!!!!!
Now...go check out her shoppe...she has so great
new goodies!!!!!
is certainly going to have a HUGE smile on her
face when she opens this unbelievable package...
chocked filled with the finest of goodies!!!!
I want to thank each and everyone of you for all
that you have done during this race...CSSTEAM
has been shining like a bright star and will
continue! We have made a MARK on ETSY now
Now we have to send out APPLAUSE for our
runners up...second place goes to YAY!!! All of her
sensational posts and may i say FRONT
PAGE TREASURY!!! whohooo was that a thrill
seeing 12 incredible CSSTEAM members featured
FRONT AND CENTER!!!!! Thank you so much
for being such a team cheerleader!!!! Hugs
are coming your way ((((((HUGS)))))))!!!
Now we have our third place winner...drum
Now talk about a devoted CSSTEAM member!
and DAILY she brings us our treasury reports
and may i say diligently counted with me
on all of these posts (shout out to for her math skills
also : ) you rock!
and tons of hugs to you for all that you
do for the best team on etsy! ((((HUGS))))!!!
Yippee and Bramble will be getting a little
surprise package from POPS!!!
Well now that the excitement is over we
are going to keep our forum where it is
until July 1st and then from there on in we
will be going to a monthly posting. More
details for Christmas in July in the upcoming
weeks -- but if you can create at least
one item and of course plenty more if you can
just for fun! I really hope that our
team spirit stays with us and that we have
a forum post of 6000 next month! All I
can say is that it was NOTICED!!! That is
PERFECT...exactly what we want! I also
know that many of your have seen increased
sales and how FAB IS THAT!!!!!
Ok -- Pops is getting wordy : ) I just want
to thank each and everyone of you from the
bottom of my heart -- you all are a part of
my family and I know that you all feel that
way! I wake up to you special family members
and you don't have me make you breakfast : )
Thank you for EVERYTHING!!!! You are all
to wonderful for words!!!! Hugs...POPS
and family!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Home Stretch
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team. I hope you all
had a great weekend. Well we are in the home stretch
of our great PINK RACE!!! It has been a lot of fun and
I really hope we make it to over 5000 posts for the month.
I think we have set out to be noticed and that is a
"mission...accomplished!" So many people have reported
increased sales and hearts and that is what we are all
looking for for ourselves and our friends. So hopefully
we will keep the pace regularly. We will now be going
to a monthly thread which seems to be the popular opinion.
I just think that this team has STEPPED UP with the
postings and then the TREASURIES have been absolutely
AMAZING!!!! the exposure from those beauties is extensive!
You are all so talented and special and we are all very
fortunate to have each other! Keep up the great work
girls!!!! Just wanted you all to know how much you are
appreciated by everyone!
Well of course we would like to see a RECORD week in
posting so the contest will officially close at 11:59
Friday June 12th. -- So you have 5 more days to make a
big help those fingers run...I have a few
more cottage carrots to dangle in front of you! As
far as second and third place -- i will post them later
I will be supplying the runners up with something
So crack those fingers -- grab a cup of something
delicious and PROMO like you never Promoed before!!!
Have fun and enjoy!
Here are some gorgeous items that can be yours...
First we have an amazing banner "DREAM" created by
our incredibly talented
Is this not beautiful! What a great addition to
ANY room this would be! If you haven't stopped by lately -- go see her
beautiful vintage tin creations...they just keep
getting more beautiful with every one!

Now we have an absolutely precious and delicate
handpainted Doily created by our
Oh the lovely creations that she comes up with and you
are going to adore this one! SOOOOOO much more pretty
in person! Please stop by her shop: and check out all of her wonderful
items and send her your heart : ) Thank you so much...

Our our dear friend has been up
to some very pretty creations that she is sharing with
us...Check out these fabulous cards all wrapped so
pretty...perfect for anything at anytime!!! It amazes
me every day how much talent is on this team! Please
take a moment and stop by and say hi
and send her your heart! Thank you so much!

Oh yes...we have yet another gem in our treasure chest
of jewels! has created some
picture perfect cards and an amazing bookmark for us! So
sweet and feminine they are!!! Please drop by her precious
shoppe and send her some Cottage
Style hugs...her creations are so gorgeous! Thank you so much!

Well my friends...there you have it!!! I will announce the
second and third place prizes in a few days!!! Now go out there
and type up a everyone who the Cottage Style
Street Team is : )...we are WONDERFUL!!!! I am honored and blessed
to count you amongst my family and friends. We are going to be
doing more events in the near future including Christmas in July.
We are also going to do shorter promo blitzes that benefit an
array of stay tuned!!! See you in the forums (etsy
is down for maintenance right see you in an hour or so!)
Our featured seller of the week will return next week!!!! Thank you
all for being you!!! hugs...pops and the cssteam family : )
had a great weekend. Well we are in the home stretch
of our great PINK RACE!!! It has been a lot of fun and
I really hope we make it to over 5000 posts for the month.
I think we have set out to be noticed and that is a
"mission...accomplished!" So many people have reported
increased sales and hearts and that is what we are all
looking for for ourselves and our friends. So hopefully
we will keep the pace regularly. We will now be going
to a monthly thread which seems to be the popular opinion.
I just think that this team has STEPPED UP with the
postings and then the TREASURIES have been absolutely
AMAZING!!!! the exposure from those beauties is extensive!
You are all so talented and special and we are all very
fortunate to have each other! Keep up the great work
girls!!!! Just wanted you all to know how much you are
appreciated by everyone!
Well of course we would like to see a RECORD week in
posting so the contest will officially close at 11:59
Friday June 12th. -- So you have 5 more days to make a
big help those fingers run...I have a few
more cottage carrots to dangle in front of you! As
far as second and third place -- i will post them later
I will be supplying the runners up with something
So crack those fingers -- grab a cup of something
delicious and PROMO like you never Promoed before!!!
Have fun and enjoy!
Here are some gorgeous items that can be yours...
First we have an amazing banner "DREAM" created by
our incredibly talented
Is this not beautiful! What a great addition to
ANY room this would be! If you haven't stopped by lately -- go see her
beautiful vintage tin creations...they just keep
getting more beautiful with every one!

Now we have an absolutely precious and delicate
handpainted Doily created by our
Oh the lovely creations that she comes up with and you
are going to adore this one! SOOOOOO much more pretty
in person! Please stop by her shop: and check out all of her wonderful
items and send her your heart : ) Thank you so much...

Our our dear friend has been up
to some very pretty creations that she is sharing with
us...Check out these fabulous cards all wrapped so
pretty...perfect for anything at anytime!!! It amazes
me every day how much talent is on this team! Please
take a moment and stop by and say hi
and send her your heart! Thank you so much!

Oh yes...we have yet another gem in our treasure chest
of jewels! has created some
picture perfect cards and an amazing bookmark for us! So
sweet and feminine they are!!! Please drop by her precious
shoppe and send her some Cottage
Style hugs...her creations are so gorgeous! Thank you so much!

Well my friends...there you have it!!! I will announce the
second and third place prizes in a few days!!! Now go out there
and type up a everyone who the Cottage Style
Street Team is : )...we are WONDERFUL!!!! I am honored and blessed
to count you amongst my family and friends. We are going to be
doing more events in the near future including Christmas in July.
We are also going to do shorter promo blitzes that benefit an
array of stay tuned!!! See you in the forums (etsy
is down for maintenance right see you in an hour or so!)
Our featured seller of the week will return next week!!!! Thank you
all for being you!!! hugs...pops and the cssteam family : )
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Featured Seller: TinyBeardk
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Hope you all had a
fabulous weekend! I know many of you have been busy because
the posts are mounting in our forum...WOW!!! I do believe
that we will reach well over 5000 posts this month! More
of the incredible prizes are going to be listed throughout
this stay tuned! I just want to thank all of you
for the incredible support that you show each other...
this group has become more than friends...a family indeed!
I just love that everyone has each others best at heart!
Thank you EVERYONE for being You!!!!
Well it is time for a featured member of the week! Drum
Roll Please... Tina is a fabulous
addition to our CSSTEAM family and what an adorable shoppe
she has. Filled with artistic treasures... Paper art,
knitted and chrochet scarfs, jewelry, tags, decorated boxes
and so much more and then of course there is
her specialty... tiny bears! Have you seen them!!! AMAZING!
Please drop by her wonderful blog to see these special
little bears! Our friend Tina is
from the gorgeous Country of Denmark but the time zones do
not effect her being out there on the forum...chatting and
supporting her CSST family members! When you get a moment...
please drop by and have a peek...send Tina
your heart and just enjoy...then click over to her blog and drop
a comment... become a follower...she would so enjoy that!
One way or another you are goingto have tons of fun soaking up
her wonderful creations. Drop Tina a little comment here...
I know she would adore that! Tina...all of your friends from
The Cottage Style Street Team want to send you a (HUG) and thank
you for beingsuch a supporting and loving lady.
Tons of hugs Tina...pops and the CSST Family!
fabulous weekend! I know many of you have been busy because
the posts are mounting in our forum...WOW!!! I do believe
that we will reach well over 5000 posts this month! More
of the incredible prizes are going to be listed throughout
this stay tuned! I just want to thank all of you
for the incredible support that you show each other...
this group has become more than friends...a family indeed!
I just love that everyone has each others best at heart!
Thank you EVERYONE for being You!!!!
Well it is time for a featured member of the week! Drum
Roll Please... Tina is a fabulous
addition to our CSSTEAM family and what an adorable shoppe
she has. Filled with artistic treasures... Paper art,
knitted and chrochet scarfs, jewelry, tags, decorated boxes
and so much more and then of course there is
her specialty... tiny bears! Have you seen them!!! AMAZING!
Please drop by her wonderful blog to see these special
little bears! Our friend Tina is
from the gorgeous Country of Denmark but the time zones do
not effect her being out there on the forum...chatting and
supporting her CSST family members! When you get a moment...
please drop by and have a peek...send Tina
your heart and just enjoy...then click over to her blog and drop
a comment... become a follower...she would so enjoy that!
One way or another you are goingto have tons of fun soaking up
her wonderful creations. Drop Tina a little comment here...
I know she would adore that! Tina...all of your friends from
The Cottage Style Street Team want to send you a (HUG) and thank
you for beingsuch a supporting and loving lady.
Tons of hugs Tina...pops and the CSST Family!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Well GOOD MORNING Cottage Style Street Team! A very happy
Memorial Day to you all. Hope you are enjoying your
weekend with friends and family. Today kicks off the
start of the 3rd week of the Great Pink Race and may I is anyone's race!!! The posting have been
fabulous and everyone is getting to know each other so
much better...everyone is winning here! make the race a bit more get to
take a peek at more fabulous items that are in the
grand prize!!! You are going to love each and every
wonderful creation. Then there will be more to come
help bring those joggers HOME!!!! Also there will be
a second and third prize!!! So tie those pink converse
sneakers up tight and start running!
On a serious note :) the constant posting has been
helping sales of many of our friends here at the
Cottage Style Street Team. You (as I did) might sit
in front of your screen and say..."Am I doing anything this making a a waste of I going out to dead air?????" come on you
all have said it including I can honestly
say YES it does make a difference and the difference
is exposure and familiarity! So exercise those fingers
and have fun...get to know your team mates and expose
the etsy buying world to the greatest team out there
with the most incredible treasures!!!!
Some more things to look forward to here in the
wonderful world of CSSTEAM is CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!!
So get that snow glitter out and create some seasonal
delights to WOW the world with! A preview of our
favorite season! We will be running our Christmas
in July the third week of the month!
There will be a lot more NEW coming CSSTEAM's way
so stay tuned because your input and help is needed
and VALUED!!!!!
We will resume our Member of the week in another
week...just didn't want to over shadow the person
with all of this : )
Now...for some GOODIES!!!!
Look at this fabulous Handmade Fabric Pin in such a
GLORIOUS COLOR and this beauty comes to you from Isn't this AMAZING!!!! and
it can be yours! Check out the entire ETSY shoppe... you will have so much fun and
if you haven't done it all ready...share your heart!

Well...there is more!!!! Beauties from
Check out these incredible cards and BEAUTIFUL button VIVA ITALIA!!
How sweet are these? and once again they can be in your collection!
Please drop by BrambleandVine.etsy.comand ENJOY!!!!
and share your heart!!!!

Now check out this oh so sweet Heart that was hand made
with love by! Oh the fabulous little
vintage buttons so carefully sewn on the luscious vintage
fabric ready to hang in that special spot in your home!
All wrapped up pretty just for you! Drop by an experience
the wonderful world of and send her
your heart!

OH... LOOKIE HERE!!!! has created this
unique and may I say eye dazzling Pear creation for you!
It is much more fabulous in PERSON!!!! Soft and delicate
and created with love and precision! Oh this pear is ripe
and ready to adorn your home! Please drop by this sweet
sweet and send them your heart!

Ok...what do you think! INCREDIBLE RIGHT!!!!! and YES
there is stay tuned! Hope this sweetens the
pot and gets those little fingers exercising in the Pink
Gym of Life (the forums!) I thank all of these loving
team members that have sent in their goodies! What a treat
to have them in my hands if only for a fleeting moment! : )
Much love to you all! Please drop by all the shoppes and
remember that TUESDAYS are HAVE A HEART DAY here at CSSTEAM...
a time to go find a Cssteam member that you haven't shared
your heart with and spread the love! You are all so fabulous
and I want to thank you all for being PICTURE PERFECT!!!
Enjoy the day and I shall see you in the forums! hugs...pops
Memorial Day to you all. Hope you are enjoying your
weekend with friends and family. Today kicks off the
start of the 3rd week of the Great Pink Race and may I is anyone's race!!! The posting have been
fabulous and everyone is getting to know each other so
much better...everyone is winning here! make the race a bit more get to
take a peek at more fabulous items that are in the
grand prize!!! You are going to love each and every
wonderful creation. Then there will be more to come
help bring those joggers HOME!!!! Also there will be
a second and third prize!!! So tie those pink converse
sneakers up tight and start running!
On a serious note :) the constant posting has been
helping sales of many of our friends here at the
Cottage Style Street Team. You (as I did) might sit
in front of your screen and say..."Am I doing anything this making a a waste of I going out to dead air?????" come on you
all have said it including I can honestly
say YES it does make a difference and the difference
is exposure and familiarity! So exercise those fingers
and have fun...get to know your team mates and expose
the etsy buying world to the greatest team out there
with the most incredible treasures!!!!
Some more things to look forward to here in the
wonderful world of CSSTEAM is CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!!
So get that snow glitter out and create some seasonal
delights to WOW the world with! A preview of our
favorite season! We will be running our Christmas
in July the third week of the month!
There will be a lot more NEW coming CSSTEAM's way
so stay tuned because your input and help is needed
and VALUED!!!!!
We will resume our Member of the week in another
week...just didn't want to over shadow the person
with all of this : )
Now...for some GOODIES!!!!
Look at this fabulous Handmade Fabric Pin in such a
GLORIOUS COLOR and this beauty comes to you from Isn't this AMAZING!!!! and
it can be yours! Check out the entire ETSY shoppe... you will have so much fun and
if you haven't done it all ready...share your heart!

Well...there is more!!!! Beauties from
Check out these incredible cards and BEAUTIFUL button VIVA ITALIA!!
How sweet are these? and once again they can be in your collection!
Please drop by BrambleandVine.etsy.comand ENJOY!!!!
and share your heart!!!!

Now check out this oh so sweet Heart that was hand made
with love by! Oh the fabulous little
vintage buttons so carefully sewn on the luscious vintage
fabric ready to hang in that special spot in your home!
All wrapped up pretty just for you! Drop by an experience
the wonderful world of and send her
your heart!

OH... LOOKIE HERE!!!! has created this
unique and may I say eye dazzling Pear creation for you!
It is much more fabulous in PERSON!!!! Soft and delicate
and created with love and precision! Oh this pear is ripe
and ready to adorn your home! Please drop by this sweet
sweet and send them your heart!

Ok...what do you think! INCREDIBLE RIGHT!!!!! and YES
there is stay tuned! Hope this sweetens the
pot and gets those little fingers exercising in the Pink
Gym of Life (the forums!) I thank all of these loving
team members that have sent in their goodies! What a treat
to have them in my hands if only for a fleeting moment! : )
Much love to you all! Please drop by all the shoppes and
remember that TUESDAYS are HAVE A HEART DAY here at CSSTEAM...
a time to go find a Cssteam member that you haven't shared
your heart with and spread the love! You are all so fabulous
and I want to thank you all for being PICTURE PERFECT!!!
Enjoy the day and I shall see you in the forums! hugs...pops
Monday, May 18, 2009
Featured Seller: TwoVelvetBunnies
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Hope you are all
well and had a great weekend! We had an outstanding posting
week in the forum and here's wishing for an even higher one
this week! We are entering week TWO of the Great Pink Race
and we will be featuring many more fabulous prizes. The
Sunshine hasn't been kind here so I haven't gotten the best
pictures, but more will follow and the ones that I am putting
up today will be replaced : ) So many incredible goodies to
come. Our team is getting noticed EVERY WHERE!!!! So excited
for everyone...keep on promoting and stay tuned for updates!
Here is the next phase to our prize basket! A gorgeous
array of goodies from (the picture
does not do it justice)!!!! A precious ornament wrapped to
perfection and a collection of yummy tags that are just too
cute! Take a PEEK!

Well it is time to announce our Featured Member of the
week!!!! drum roll......... Rebecca from! What a fabulous new member!
A third grade teacher by day, an avid junquer, pixel
artist, crafter and a lover and collector of all
things vintage! A mother of awesome grown sons
and a mommy to a delightful furbaby Maggie!!! She
has jumped right into the forums and she is a valued and
loved member! Everyone at CSSTEAM wants to send her a hug
and thank her for being such a wonderful new friend! Now
her shoppe is absolutely precious. It is filled with
vintage treasures, lovely creations and delicious crafting
supplies and more! Please drop by her incredible shoppe
during the week...send her a heart...a little comment and
a virtual CSSTEAM hug! We are also all happy to hear that
Rebecca's eyes are getting better!!! Sending you love and
hugs!!!! (the cssteam! : )
well and had a great weekend! We had an outstanding posting
week in the forum and here's wishing for an even higher one
this week! We are entering week TWO of the Great Pink Race
and we will be featuring many more fabulous prizes. The
Sunshine hasn't been kind here so I haven't gotten the best
pictures, but more will follow and the ones that I am putting
up today will be replaced : ) So many incredible goodies to
come. Our team is getting noticed EVERY WHERE!!!! So excited
for everyone...keep on promoting and stay tuned for updates!
Here is the next phase to our prize basket! A gorgeous
array of goodies from (the picture
does not do it justice)!!!! A precious ornament wrapped to
perfection and a collection of yummy tags that are just too
cute! Take a PEEK!

Well it is time to announce our Featured Member of the
week!!!! drum roll......... Rebecca from! What a fabulous new member!
A third grade teacher by day, an avid junquer, pixel
artist, crafter and a lover and collector of all
things vintage! A mother of awesome grown sons
and a mommy to a delightful furbaby Maggie!!! She
has jumped right into the forums and she is a valued and
loved member! Everyone at CSSTEAM wants to send her a hug
and thank her for being such a wonderful new friend! Now
her shoppe is absolutely precious. It is filled with
vintage treasures, lovely creations and delicious crafting
supplies and more! Please drop by her incredible shoppe
during the week...send her a heart...a little comment and
a virtual CSSTEAM hug! We are also all happy to hear that
Rebecca's eyes are getting better!!! Sending you love and
hugs!!!! (the cssteam! : )
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Good Morning! More GOODIES for you!!!
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team!!! Well as you know the
race is ON!!! It is Wednesday morning and we all ready have over
700 POSTS!!! whohooooooooooooooooooooo...I for one can't wait
to see what happens! promised...some more goodies for
your viewing pleasure this is the second packet
of goodies that is being added to the grand prize (oh...there are
many more to come!!!) Today we have our our sweet and
fabulous friend to thank! She made one
of her famous little petite pots for us...but this was made with
YOU in mind! Just check it out "friends" how cute is this and
how thoughtful! Then there are two of her adorable little tea
tags (so much cuter in person!) Then I added some of pops satin
roses! I mean -- how fabulous is this! Enjoy my friends...more
to come on Friday!!! : ) Everyone...stop by
today and say hi and send her your heart!!!!

race is ON!!! It is Wednesday morning and we all ready have over
700 POSTS!!! whohooooooooooooooooooooo...I for one can't wait
to see what happens! promised...some more goodies for
your viewing pleasure this is the second packet
of goodies that is being added to the grand prize (oh...there are
many more to come!!!) Today we have our our sweet and
fabulous friend to thank! She made one
of her famous little petite pots for us...but this was made with
YOU in mind! Just check it out "friends" how cute is this and
how thoughtful! Then there are two of her adorable little tea
tags (so much cuter in person!) Then I added some of pops satin
roses! I mean -- how fabulous is this! Enjoy my friends...more
to come on Friday!!! : ) Everyone...stop by
today and say hi and send her your heart!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team!!!! Hope you all had
a wonderful Mothers Day and you are all ready to let the
race commence! The checkered Pink Flag has been raised and
now the finish line is one month away...but don't relax...
there will always be someone in back of you ready to take
the lead : ) I am going to be on the sidelines cheering you
on...where this leads is anyone's guess!
Everyone...PLEASE read the next Features our
Incredible Featured Member of the Week...! so don't forget to read ON!!!
The rules are simple. The race runs from May 11th 6:00 AM
EST to June 11th 6:00 AM EST. We will be keeping our same
forum for one month straight so we won't be changing every
week for now...we want that number to grow and get NOTICED
and I so know it will! Treasuries will certainly help you
cross that grand finish line...they are worth 30 posts!!!!
I am so happy to tell you that the Cottage Style Street Team
is getting noticed and sales have increased and that is
because number one...everything that you ladies do is
FABULOUS and also that you have all been working so hard to
get us out there and get noticed and it is working!!!! So
crack those knuckles and warm up those computer engines
because the race is on!!! At the finish line there is a
GRAND PRIZE awaiting the winner and there will be Second Place
and Third Place prizes also! The prizes will be revealed
slowly -- one every other day here on our blog so if you
haven't bookmarked this spot...please do! Hopefully
revealing them this way will build the excitement and of
course that means that anyone that wanted to send in a
goodie still has time!!! (andrea cammarata...10 Orchard
One more thing before i reveal the first part of the prize...
I want to personally thank each and everyone of you for
making The Cottage Style Street Team the best team ever.
Each one of you are special and such an asset but more
importantly what touches my heart is the selflessness of this
team...the willingness to always support your friends!!!
I applaud you for that and that is the KEY to this teams
success!!! In a world that loves the word is
such a ray of brilliant sunlight to be surrounded by so many
people that care about each other. I for one am thrilled
to call you my friends and I know that is the feeling
throughout our community! Now...let's make a BIG SPLASH
on the ETSY forums and show everyone what we are made of!
Let's set a record for the largest month post ever!!!!!
This is a race where EVERYONE WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yes...i am sure some extra little perks will pop up!!!
Hugs to you all and much love and thanks for being YOU!
Let's raise the curtain on the first part of the grand
prize! FABULOUS creative supplies from our friend
Denise from (and all of
her other shoppes : ) Oh what goodies you can create
with these! We start with 3 1 ounce bottles (i love
the bottles...aren't they the coolest) of 7 Gypsies
color wash...Pastel Peach...Walnut Midnight... and
pastel yellow...GORGEOUS!!!! Then fabulous twisties,
an awesome french/english bracelet kit that everyone
is going to adore...then there is a package of
gorgeous tranparent buttons (skies the limit on
creating with these) then there is a primative
style wire hanger that you can hang an original
piece of your art cute! Also 4 wooden
heart hangers that are an open canvas to create with!
Then there are two adorable hanging hearts!!!!!
To sweeten this even further I am adding some pretty
millinery flowers and 3 4X4 mini canvases! Now
ladies...this is only the tip of the iceberg!!!!
Thank you so much as
always you are a golden asset to this team...we
love you and thank you for everything that you do
and this array of goodies is SENSATIONAL!!!!!
Stay tuned...Wednesday another reveal!!!!

a wonderful Mothers Day and you are all ready to let the
race commence! The checkered Pink Flag has been raised and
now the finish line is one month away...but don't relax...
there will always be someone in back of you ready to take
the lead : ) I am going to be on the sidelines cheering you
on...where this leads is anyone's guess!
Everyone...PLEASE read the next Features our
Incredible Featured Member of the Week...! so don't forget to read ON!!!
The rules are simple. The race runs from May 11th 6:00 AM
EST to June 11th 6:00 AM EST. We will be keeping our same
forum for one month straight so we won't be changing every
week for now...we want that number to grow and get NOTICED
and I so know it will! Treasuries will certainly help you
cross that grand finish line...they are worth 30 posts!!!!
I am so happy to tell you that the Cottage Style Street Team
is getting noticed and sales have increased and that is
because number one...everything that you ladies do is
FABULOUS and also that you have all been working so hard to
get us out there and get noticed and it is working!!!! So
crack those knuckles and warm up those computer engines
because the race is on!!! At the finish line there is a
GRAND PRIZE awaiting the winner and there will be Second Place
and Third Place prizes also! The prizes will be revealed
slowly -- one every other day here on our blog so if you
haven't bookmarked this spot...please do! Hopefully
revealing them this way will build the excitement and of
course that means that anyone that wanted to send in a
goodie still has time!!! (andrea cammarata...10 Orchard
One more thing before i reveal the first part of the prize...
I want to personally thank each and everyone of you for
making The Cottage Style Street Team the best team ever.
Each one of you are special and such an asset but more
importantly what touches my heart is the selflessness of this
team...the willingness to always support your friends!!!
I applaud you for that and that is the KEY to this teams
success!!! In a world that loves the word is
such a ray of brilliant sunlight to be surrounded by so many
people that care about each other. I for one am thrilled
to call you my friends and I know that is the feeling
throughout our community! Now...let's make a BIG SPLASH
on the ETSY forums and show everyone what we are made of!
Let's set a record for the largest month post ever!!!!!
This is a race where EVERYONE WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yes...i am sure some extra little perks will pop up!!!
Hugs to you all and much love and thanks for being YOU!
Let's raise the curtain on the first part of the grand
prize! FABULOUS creative supplies from our friend
Denise from (and all of
her other shoppes : ) Oh what goodies you can create
with these! We start with 3 1 ounce bottles (i love
the bottles...aren't they the coolest) of 7 Gypsies
color wash...Pastel Peach...Walnut Midnight... and
pastel yellow...GORGEOUS!!!! Then fabulous twisties,
an awesome french/english bracelet kit that everyone
is going to adore...then there is a package of
gorgeous tranparent buttons (skies the limit on
creating with these) then there is a primative
style wire hanger that you can hang an original
piece of your art cute! Also 4 wooden
heart hangers that are an open canvas to create with!
Then there are two adorable hanging hearts!!!!!
To sweeten this even further I am adding some pretty
millinery flowers and 3 4X4 mini canvases! Now
ladies...this is only the tip of the iceberg!!!!
Thank you so much as
always you are a golden asset to this team...we
love you and thank you for everything that you do
and this array of goodies is SENSATIONAL!!!!!
Stay tuned...Wednesday another reveal!!!!

Featured Seller: BrambleandVine
Well with all of the buzz about the BIG PINK RACE...Let
us not forget to celebrate our favorite Monday Event...
The featured seller of this week is our wonderful friend
Lora from
Lora is a fabulous supporter of the CSSTEAM and we all
want her to know how much she is appreciated! Always
in the forums promoting her fellow team mates and
chatting and sharing her adventures (most recently
Italy) with us. Her artwork is inspired by natural
surroundings, home, family and old books. Lora is
a freelance artist with much talent! One of her
specialties is digital artwork for crafters, scrappers
and card-makers. You can check her out at and her shoppe here on Etsy is
just divine! Ah yes...
recycle is a word that fits into her creations and
that is fabulous!
Come on over and say hi to Lora...check out her
glorious shoppe...say hi...send her your heart and
maybe leave her a little comment...I am sure she
would LOVE THAT!!! We all want to send her a hug
and much thanks and appreciation for being such a
terrific cottage friends!!!! hugs...pops and
all your cottage friends : )
us not forget to celebrate our favorite Monday Event...
The featured seller of this week is our wonderful friend
Lora from
Lora is a fabulous supporter of the CSSTEAM and we all
want her to know how much she is appreciated! Always
in the forums promoting her fellow team mates and
chatting and sharing her adventures (most recently
Italy) with us. Her artwork is inspired by natural
surroundings, home, family and old books. Lora is
a freelance artist with much talent! One of her
specialties is digital artwork for crafters, scrappers
and card-makers. You can check her out at and her shoppe here on Etsy is
just divine! Ah yes...
recycle is a word that fits into her creations and
that is fabulous!
Come on over and say hi to Lora...check out her
glorious shoppe...say hi...send her your heart and
maybe leave her a little comment...I am sure she
would LOVE THAT!!! We all want to send her a hug
and much thanks and appreciation for being such a
terrific cottage friends!!!! hugs...pops and
all your cottage friends : )
Monday, May 4, 2009
Featured Seller: YappsCottageDecor
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Hope
you are well this wet and chilly morning here
in New Jersey. We had another wonderful week
of fabulous posting and tons of outstanding
treasuries. The CSSTEAM is really getting out
there and we are being seen by the ETSY
community. Many of our members have reported
increased sales and many others have been
knocking on our door for membership! So we
are doing something right!!!! I just want to
take this time to thank ALL of you for posting,
creating mini works of art with your treasuries,
tagging all your items, displaying our logo
(we will be updating that stay tuned)
for spreading the word and representing us with
the finest products out there! When people
think of the CSSTEAM they just don't think PINK
any more...they thing QUALITY! ORIGINALITY,
and yes... Pink and roses fit in there too : )
I am applauding you all!!!! You are just the
Well the time is nearing!!! Next Monday Morning
kicks off our month of the FIRST CSSTEAM
posting Marathon!!!! So get those cups of coffee
and tea ready...put on your most comfy slippers
and pj's on, crack those fingers and warm up for
the GREAT PINK RACE!!!! More info to follow...
but the checker flag goes off at 6:00 am EST
next Monday! and then the finish line will be
crossed on June 11th at 6:00 AM EST...This is
a race that anyone can win and everyone has an
equal can make a race for it out of
the box or run a steady course and go wild at
the is up to you but one way or another
it is going to be FUN!!!! always...we introduce our Cottage
Style Street Team Featured Member of the Week.
Today we would like to celebrate Lora from Lora is a pure
delight and a wonderful member of our great
team! She is attentive to others words and
always there to lend a suggestion and to lend
a support to our team! We want her to know
that she is appreciated and a valued member
of our family here in the world of CSSTEAM!
Thank you lora for everything!
Lora works from home and is also a mom and a she has three full time jobs : ) as
many of us do! She runs a delightful shoppe
that is filled with hand made bath and body
products. She has done extensive reasearch
on her products creating a delicate blend
that benefits the skin and is delightful to
the scent. All of her products have been
tested on herself, family and friends...oh
how pops loves to see NO ANIMAL TESTING...
applause for you LORA!!! : ) Her soaps are
skin safe and hypo allergenic...they are also
Non-Comedogenic which means they do not clog
pores. Lora also runs two other shoppes: and
so come on and visit her this week...send
her your heart and drop her a little comment
here...she would love that!
Thank you Lora for being you!!!! ENJOY the
week everyone...see you in the forums and
get ready for the race!!! remember... i
have been scratched : ) lol!
you are well this wet and chilly morning here
in New Jersey. We had another wonderful week
of fabulous posting and tons of outstanding
treasuries. The CSSTEAM is really getting out
there and we are being seen by the ETSY
community. Many of our members have reported
increased sales and many others have been
knocking on our door for membership! So we
are doing something right!!!! I just want to
take this time to thank ALL of you for posting,
creating mini works of art with your treasuries,
tagging all your items, displaying our logo
(we will be updating that stay tuned)
for spreading the word and representing us with
the finest products out there! When people
think of the CSSTEAM they just don't think PINK
any more...they thing QUALITY! ORIGINALITY,
and yes... Pink and roses fit in there too : )
I am applauding you all!!!! You are just the
Well the time is nearing!!! Next Monday Morning
kicks off our month of the FIRST CSSTEAM
posting Marathon!!!! So get those cups of coffee
and tea ready...put on your most comfy slippers
and pj's on, crack those fingers and warm up for
the GREAT PINK RACE!!!! More info to follow...
but the checker flag goes off at 6:00 am EST
next Monday! and then the finish line will be
crossed on June 11th at 6:00 AM EST...This is
a race that anyone can win and everyone has an
equal can make a race for it out of
the box or run a steady course and go wild at
the is up to you but one way or another
it is going to be FUN!!!! always...we introduce our Cottage
Style Street Team Featured Member of the Week.
Today we would like to celebrate Lora from Lora is a pure
delight and a wonderful member of our great
team! She is attentive to others words and
always there to lend a suggestion and to lend
a support to our team! We want her to know
that she is appreciated and a valued member
of our family here in the world of CSSTEAM!
Thank you lora for everything!
Lora works from home and is also a mom and a she has three full time jobs : ) as
many of us do! She runs a delightful shoppe
that is filled with hand made bath and body
products. She has done extensive reasearch
on her products creating a delicate blend
that benefits the skin and is delightful to
the scent. All of her products have been
tested on herself, family and friends...oh
how pops loves to see NO ANIMAL TESTING...
applause for you LORA!!! : ) Her soaps are
skin safe and hypo allergenic...they are also
Non-Comedogenic which means they do not clog
pores. Lora also runs two other shoppes: and
so come on and visit her this week...send
her your heart and drop her a little comment
here...she would love that!
Thank you Lora for being you!!!! ENJOY the
week everyone...see you in the forums and
get ready for the race!!! remember... i
have been scratched : ) lol!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Featured Seller: SecondHandNews
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team and a
very HAPPY MONDAY MORNING to you all! Well we
have had another 1100 PLUS postings in the forums
and lots of goodies are coming in the mail...I
am jealous of all of you : )lol!!! I want to give
everyone a little bit more time to send their
donations in so our posting race will commence on
May 11th and will run through to June 11th and the
the winner will be announced on June 15 on the
Monday Morning Post! If we get some more goodies
in...I will make one or two more collections so
we have place winners to make it a bit more fun
for everyone. So remember to send you goodies
to me: andrea cammarata 10 orchard place, wayne,
nj 07470 by May 7th -- that is the hard fast
deadline now -- that will give me time to photograph
the final collection and get it posted on the blog
for Monday Morning the 11th! Don't forget your
little Etsy goodie -- I have to say the ones that
have come are OUTSTANDING...can you hear me...
OUTSTANDING!!!! I am dazzled!!!! If you have to
be refreshed about the contest...just scan down
3 full features and take a peek! : ) Thanks ladies
you are just fabulous!
Now...drumroll PLEASE...the featured member of the
week Michelle is a
treasured member and such a great support to us all
with her postings and cheerleading for everyone!
Her shoppe is filled with artistic creations and
fabulous vintage finds! You must drop by this week
and take a look and send her your heart : ) leave
a little comment...she will love that!
Would you like to get to know Michele better? Of
course you would! She absolutely adores shabby chic
and country cottage decor and her favorite collors are
robin's egg blue, pin and barnwood red. She loves
to created reworked pieces that she paints and
distresses and transforms them in her own very
special way. Oh yes like so many of us...she is
obsessed with VINTAGE!!! and she shares tons of
vintage treasures in her shoppe. Now she is going
to go junking in New Jersey where she most recently
moved to from California! I guess she is bi-coastal :)
sorry...had to say that : )
Everyone on the Cottage Style Street Team would like
Michele to know how much she is loved and appreciated!
A big hug and a HUGE thank you for all that you do
for our team : )...hugs...pops!
very HAPPY MONDAY MORNING to you all! Well we
have had another 1100 PLUS postings in the forums
and lots of goodies are coming in the mail...I
am jealous of all of you : )lol!!! I want to give
everyone a little bit more time to send their
donations in so our posting race will commence on
May 11th and will run through to June 11th and the
the winner will be announced on June 15 on the
Monday Morning Post! If we get some more goodies
in...I will make one or two more collections so
we have place winners to make it a bit more fun
for everyone. So remember to send you goodies
to me: andrea cammarata 10 orchard place, wayne,
nj 07470 by May 7th -- that is the hard fast
deadline now -- that will give me time to photograph
the final collection and get it posted on the blog
for Monday Morning the 11th! Don't forget your
little Etsy goodie -- I have to say the ones that
have come are OUTSTANDING...can you hear me...
OUTSTANDING!!!! I am dazzled!!!! If you have to
be refreshed about the contest...just scan down
3 full features and take a peek! : ) Thanks ladies
you are just fabulous!
Now...drumroll PLEASE...the featured member of the
week Michelle is a
treasured member and such a great support to us all
with her postings and cheerleading for everyone!
Her shoppe is filled with artistic creations and
fabulous vintage finds! You must drop by this week
and take a look and send her your heart : ) leave
a little comment...she will love that!
Would you like to get to know Michele better? Of
course you would! She absolutely adores shabby chic
and country cottage decor and her favorite collors are
robin's egg blue, pin and barnwood red. She loves
to created reworked pieces that she paints and
distresses and transforms them in her own very
special way. Oh yes like so many of us...she is
obsessed with VINTAGE!!! and she shares tons of
vintage treasures in her shoppe. Now she is going
to go junking in New Jersey where she most recently
moved to from California! I guess she is bi-coastal :)
sorry...had to say that : )
Everyone on the Cottage Style Street Team would like
Michele to know how much she is loved and appreciated!
A big hug and a HUGE thank you for all that you do
for our team : )...hugs...pops!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Featured Seller: InspirationCottage
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Hope you all had a
picture perfect weekend and are rested up for the week
ahead. I have to tell you ladies...we had a RECORD WEEK
last week!!! Over 1300+ posts in our weekly forum...we
SHATTERED the old record of just a little over 700! WOW!
Tons of gorgeous members and many people
are noticing us and I think it is wonderful! So a HUGE
THANK YOU to everyone...what a FABULOUS team you all make!
Remember our deadline for the donations for our gift
basket is due by April 28th...details on that are in an
earlier post...please scroll down : ) my address once
again is: Andrea Cammarata 10 Orchard Place Wayne NJ 07470.
Hope you have another record breaking week...I love seeing
you all in the SPOT LIGHT!!!!
Now...for the Featured Member of the week...hear the Pam is a lovely
lady with an adorable shoppe filled with tons of
Cottage Goodies...she has overflowed her supply shoppe
and just opened a new shoppe called: for her hand made goodies!
Pam has been crafting since her teens and she adores
all forms of creations...sewing...embroidery...
flower arranging...altered making and
so much more! She loves to inspire others to craft
which is the inspiration for her crafting kits. Oh
yes...crafting with her Grand Kids is TOP on her
list of things to do!
Pam is a great support to our Team and a FABULOUS
treasury creator! We appreciate her team spirit
and can't wait to see what she has in store next!
Please drop into Pam's shoppes throughout the week
and say hi...send her your heart and if you can...
leave her a little comment...i am sure she would
LOVE to hear from you all.
Another BIG Thank you to the greatest team on ETSY
you girls ROCK!...hugs...pops
picture perfect weekend and are rested up for the week
ahead. I have to tell you ladies...we had a RECORD WEEK
last week!!! Over 1300+ posts in our weekly forum...we
SHATTERED the old record of just a little over 700! WOW!
Tons of gorgeous members and many people
are noticing us and I think it is wonderful! So a HUGE
THANK YOU to everyone...what a FABULOUS team you all make!
Remember our deadline for the donations for our gift
basket is due by April 28th...details on that are in an
earlier post...please scroll down : ) my address once
again is: Andrea Cammarata 10 Orchard Place Wayne NJ 07470.
Hope you have another record breaking week...I love seeing
you all in the SPOT LIGHT!!!!
Now...for the Featured Member of the week...hear the Pam is a lovely
lady with an adorable shoppe filled with tons of
Cottage Goodies...she has overflowed her supply shoppe
and just opened a new shoppe called: for her hand made goodies!
Pam has been crafting since her teens and she adores
all forms of creations...sewing...embroidery...
flower arranging...altered making and
so much more! She loves to inspire others to craft
which is the inspiration for her crafting kits. Oh
yes...crafting with her Grand Kids is TOP on her
list of things to do!
Pam is a great support to our Team and a FABULOUS
treasury creator! We appreciate her team spirit
and can't wait to see what she has in store next!
Please drop into Pam's shoppes throughout the week
and say hi...send her your heart and if you can...
leave her a little comment...i am sure she would
LOVE to hear from you all.
Another BIG Thank you to the greatest team on ETSY
you girls ROCK!...hugs...pops
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Featured Seller: Pearliebird
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Hope you all had
a fabulous Holiday Weekend and got some rest last night
after all the festivities! You also needed some rest from
all the hard work you did on our forums last week and all
of the incredible really out did yourselves.
Our team is just completely outstanding and I for one
am very proud to be a part of it! Thank you to everyone!
A quick reminder...if you have some goodies for the upcoming
contest...please mail them my way as soon as you can so
I can get some photos done to kick off MAY in the forums! :)
andrea cammarata. 10 orchard place. wayne. nj 07470
Ok...drumroll...our Featured Member of the week is Kym from Kym...aka...Pearlie is one of our
newest member and she has jumped in and become one of us
very quickly and we are thrilled to have her as a new
friend and as a wonderful support! She has an adorable
little shoppe that you all should take a peek into. You
will love all of her goodies...i just LOVE her chenille
bunny tags!
Kym is a stay at home mom...mother to three very talented
and creative girls and a special little furbaby name ZOE!
She just adores paper, old lace, buttons, bling, glitter,
ink, paints, and ephemera! Sounds pretty Cottage to me :)
I am sure that Kym would love to hear from you...send her
your heart and drop her a little will make
her day! Also drop by her blog: and while you are having
fun...drop by her daughters blog also : ) ENJOY!
Once again Kym...everyone here Welcomes you with open
arms and we can't wait to get to know you better! We
thank you for just jumping right in and being such an
open and loving person! Hugs from us all...pops!
a fabulous Holiday Weekend and got some rest last night
after all the festivities! You also needed some rest from
all the hard work you did on our forums last week and all
of the incredible really out did yourselves.
Our team is just completely outstanding and I for one
am very proud to be a part of it! Thank you to everyone!
A quick reminder...if you have some goodies for the upcoming
contest...please mail them my way as soon as you can so
I can get some photos done to kick off MAY in the forums! :)
andrea cammarata. 10 orchard place. wayne. nj 07470
Ok...drumroll...our Featured Member of the week is Kym from Kym...aka...Pearlie is one of our
newest member and she has jumped in and become one of us
very quickly and we are thrilled to have her as a new
friend and as a wonderful support! She has an adorable
little shoppe that you all should take a peek into. You
will love all of her goodies...i just LOVE her chenille
bunny tags!
Kym is a stay at home mom...mother to three very talented
and creative girls and a special little furbaby name ZOE!
She just adores paper, old lace, buttons, bling, glitter,
ink, paints, and ephemera! Sounds pretty Cottage to me :)
I am sure that Kym would love to hear from you...send her
your heart and drop her a little will make
her day! Also drop by her blog: and while you are having
fun...drop by her daughters blog also : ) ENJOY!
Once again Kym...everyone here Welcomes you with open
arms and we can't wait to get to know you better! We
thank you for just jumping right in and being such an
open and loving person! Hugs from us all...pops!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Featured Seller: FooFooElm
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Hope you all had
a fabulous weekend and are all geared up for the Upcoming
Holidays! Your shoppes are looking absolutely fabulous!
I also have to thank each and everyone of you for the
incredible support that you are giving our team! Our posts
have been WAAAAY up and the amount of Treasuries has been
amazing. Applause for you make such a difference!
More details on our upcoming contest later this
stay tuned!
Well it is that time again...Introducing the Featured Member
of the week...a wonderfully supportive, talented and also
one of our newest members...Debi from
Debi has a wonderful shoppe here in the land of Etsy filled
with unique and gorgeous jewelry. It is a place where
eclectic, vintage, unusual, old, and timeless finds are
refashioned into one of a kind pieces of wearable art! What
a fabulous selection she has and they are all a MUST SEE!!!
She adds new items all the time and also has a sale...Free
Shipping and 10% off all of her items! How great is that.
A little more about Debi in her own words: Creating is
something I've been doing since I was a little girl.
It all started with an embroidered piece I did at four
years of age with my mom and grandmother, and I was
hooked! I am a mixed media artist and I've been creating
handmade jewelry for over 15 years. I love finding new
techniques and vintage pieces to work over and over
until it's my own. I also love paper collage, sewing,
and embroidery, so don't be surprised if other pieces
pop up from time to time.
Debi has jumped right into our weekly forums and has taken
to creating treasuries! A wonderful new support for our
FABULOUS team! We can't thank you enough and wanted you to
know that you are greatly appreciated. Come on over and
visit her at and also drop by and leave
her a little comment her on our blog...i am so sure she
would love to hear from you! Thank you Debi...hugs...pops!
a fabulous weekend and are all geared up for the Upcoming
Holidays! Your shoppes are looking absolutely fabulous!
I also have to thank each and everyone of you for the
incredible support that you are giving our team! Our posts
have been WAAAAY up and the amount of Treasuries has been
amazing. Applause for you make such a difference!
More details on our upcoming contest later this
stay tuned!
Well it is that time again...Introducing the Featured Member
of the week...a wonderfully supportive, talented and also
one of our newest members...Debi from
Debi has a wonderful shoppe here in the land of Etsy filled
with unique and gorgeous jewelry. It is a place where
eclectic, vintage, unusual, old, and timeless finds are
refashioned into one of a kind pieces of wearable art! What
a fabulous selection she has and they are all a MUST SEE!!!
She adds new items all the time and also has a sale...Free
Shipping and 10% off all of her items! How great is that.
A little more about Debi in her own words: Creating is
something I've been doing since I was a little girl.
It all started with an embroidered piece I did at four
years of age with my mom and grandmother, and I was
hooked! I am a mixed media artist and I've been creating
handmade jewelry for over 15 years. I love finding new
techniques and vintage pieces to work over and over
until it's my own. I also love paper collage, sewing,
and embroidery, so don't be surprised if other pieces
pop up from time to time.
Debi has jumped right into our weekly forums and has taken
to creating treasuries! A wonderful new support for our
FABULOUS team! We can't thank you enough and wanted you to
know that you are greatly appreciated. Come on over and
visit her at and also drop by and leave
her a little comment her on our blog...i am so sure she
would love to hear from you! Thank you Debi...hugs...pops!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Featured Seller: Sweet Liberty Prims
Good Morning once again Ladies (PLEASE READ
the post that follows this one : ) some very
important and FUN CSSTEAM news! we have an extra special Featured
Member of the week...drumroll please...Kath
from the very FABULOUS and creative shoppe Today the
spotlight shines on the way for
some of you that don't know...she also runs,,
and WOW right! Kath is
a wonderful lady and such an incredible
support to the CSSTEAM...we want her to know
how much she is we are
sending her hugs!
SweetLibertyPrims is filled with precious
cottage style goodies that you will enjoy
feasting your eyes upon. I personally
LOVE the egg collections that she has and
they are displayed picture perfect! This
shoppe portrays Kath's primitive side
with beauty and grace.
I would love you to know more about Kath
so I am including her little profile for
everyone to read:
I am an Altered Artist, Junker, Vice President
of our private ambulance service, Mom of 4 boys
and wife, not necessarily in that order! I began
creating as a child, and have done Primitive
painting, sewing, and stitchery, and my current
obsession, altered art! I've done shows,
consignment, mall booths, antique booths and
a little wholesale. I am now primarily selling
online! After several years of scrapbooking
the kids' pictures, I began to do other
papercraft type projects! I am currently
focusing on primitive and whimsical altered
art, such as handmade journals, prim tags,
and anything else I can find to alter!
And having a ball with it! My work has
been featured in Country Marketplace
and Merchantile Gatherings Magazines,
and on the cover of the Ohio Country Register!
Well I hope you enjoyed learning a
little bit more about this great CSSTEAM
member and I am sure she would love to
hear from please take a moment to
say hi and maybe leave her a little comment.
Thank you Kath for all you do for us...
hugs...pops and the gang!
the post that follows this one : ) some very
important and FUN CSSTEAM news! we have an extra special Featured
Member of the week...drumroll please...Kath
from the very FABULOUS and creative shoppe Today the
spotlight shines on the way for
some of you that don't know...she also runs,,
and WOW right! Kath is
a wonderful lady and such an incredible
support to the CSSTEAM...we want her to know
how much she is we are
sending her hugs!
SweetLibertyPrims is filled with precious
cottage style goodies that you will enjoy
feasting your eyes upon. I personally
LOVE the egg collections that she has and
they are displayed picture perfect! This
shoppe portrays Kath's primitive side
with beauty and grace.
I would love you to know more about Kath
so I am including her little profile for
everyone to read:
I am an Altered Artist, Junker, Vice President
of our private ambulance service, Mom of 4 boys
and wife, not necessarily in that order! I began
creating as a child, and have done Primitive
painting, sewing, and stitchery, and my current
obsession, altered art! I've done shows,
consignment, mall booths, antique booths and
a little wholesale. I am now primarily selling
online! After several years of scrapbooking
the kids' pictures, I began to do other
papercraft type projects! I am currently
focusing on primitive and whimsical altered
art, such as handmade journals, prim tags,
and anything else I can find to alter!
And having a ball with it! My work has
been featured in Country Marketplace
and Merchantile Gatherings Magazines,
and on the cover of the Ohio Country Register!
Well I hope you enjoyed learning a
little bit more about this great CSSTEAM
member and I am sure she would love to
hear from please take a moment to
say hi and maybe leave her a little comment.
Thank you Kath for all you do for us...
hugs...pops and the gang!
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team. Hope you
had a wonderful weekend and are all set for the
fabulous week ahead of us. Well not only do we
have an outstanding Feature Member of the Week we
also have some CSSTEAM news. As many of you know
by reading our forums our very own has a SENSATIONAL idea on
how to get more posts and more exposure for our
team. She thought that having a CSSTEAM give-
away basket for the highest poster would be great
and so many of us totally agree... so that is what
we are going to do. Right now we are in
stage 1...collecting little gifts throughout our
team. You can donate anything that you like...
nothing is too small or too large...anything
that you feel as though would be fun for a
fellow member...there are no restrictions...just
something that would be enjoyable and that would
be just about everything that you creative
ladies do. Supplies are also soooooo welcome!!!
We are going to have them shipped to my home
and I will create a basket...depending on how
many goodies we get will depend if there is a
second and third place prize also : ) So ANYONE
that would like to participate...please send your
donation to:
Andrea Cammarata
10 Orchard Place
Wayne, NJ 07470
We will be collecting the entire month of April
and then the contest starts on May 1st and runs
straight through the whole month : ) Just to
let you all know we might need a TIE-BREAKER
so what we will do in that case is take the
high poster for April and add that to the
scores to break the tie so posting for the next
2 months is crucial : ) No one is a looser
because it gives everyone great exposure.
One other little idea is tagged to this one...
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it for anyone that is
sending a donation to this event to send a
little I LOVE ETSY item...a button...a tag...
a barrette...a card...ANYTHING that you feel
like creating!!! and add that to the package...
my idea here is to collect all of these litte
I love Etsy items...create a fun basket and
PHYSICALLY bring it to our friends at ETSY
in Brooklyn NY on open day Mondays!!! I
really want to promote our team and I
thought that would be a really FUN way to do
it. It does not have to be big...just
something fun that reflects our love for
ETSY! Remember...none of these items are
going to be for sale...they are totally
going to be used as a gift to ETSY and our
give-away baskets for the HIGHEST posts in
our team. I personally can't wait to see
what will be coming in...only 1 item and
it is TOTALLY YOUR CHOICE!!!! remember to
tag your item with your stores name and
of course your name. I am hoping maybe
we might be able to do a storque article
when it is all done : )
If you have any questions...just convo me
at or I will be happy to
fill in any of the blanks for you!
Oh I said in the posts...I am
taking myself out of this contest : )
ENJOY and hope to hear from you all soon!
had a wonderful weekend and are all set for the
fabulous week ahead of us. Well not only do we
have an outstanding Feature Member of the Week we
also have some CSSTEAM news. As many of you know
by reading our forums our very own has a SENSATIONAL idea on
how to get more posts and more exposure for our
team. She thought that having a CSSTEAM give-
away basket for the highest poster would be great
and so many of us totally agree... so that is what
we are going to do. Right now we are in
stage 1...collecting little gifts throughout our
team. You can donate anything that you like...
nothing is too small or too large...anything
that you feel as though would be fun for a
fellow member...there are no restrictions...just
something that would be enjoyable and that would
be just about everything that you creative
ladies do. Supplies are also soooooo welcome!!!
We are going to have them shipped to my home
and I will create a basket...depending on how
many goodies we get will depend if there is a
second and third place prize also : ) So ANYONE
that would like to participate...please send your
donation to:
Andrea Cammarata
10 Orchard Place
Wayne, NJ 07470
We will be collecting the entire month of April
and then the contest starts on May 1st and runs
straight through the whole month : ) Just to
let you all know we might need a TIE-BREAKER
so what we will do in that case is take the
high poster for April and add that to the
scores to break the tie so posting for the next
2 months is crucial : ) No one is a looser
because it gives everyone great exposure.
One other little idea is tagged to this one...
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it for anyone that is
sending a donation to this event to send a
little I LOVE ETSY item...a button...a tag...
a barrette...a card...ANYTHING that you feel
like creating!!! and add that to the package...
my idea here is to collect all of these litte
I love Etsy items...create a fun basket and
PHYSICALLY bring it to our friends at ETSY
in Brooklyn NY on open day Mondays!!! I
really want to promote our team and I
thought that would be a really FUN way to do
it. It does not have to be big...just
something fun that reflects our love for
ETSY! Remember...none of these items are
going to be for sale...they are totally
going to be used as a gift to ETSY and our
give-away baskets for the HIGHEST posts in
our team. I personally can't wait to see
what will be coming in...only 1 item and
it is TOTALLY YOUR CHOICE!!!! remember to
tag your item with your stores name and
of course your name. I am hoping maybe
we might be able to do a storque article
when it is all done : )
If you have any questions...just convo me
at or I will be happy to
fill in any of the blanks for you!
Oh I said in the posts...I am
taking myself out of this contest : )
ENJOY and hope to hear from you all soon!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Featured Seller: EnfantJoli
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team...I hope you had
a picture perfect weekend and got to enjoy some sunshine.
We have some fun projects coming up...on that I will
write more about the end of this week because right now
I want the light to shine on our Featured Member of the
week...Corrie from
Corrie is one of our teams newest members and has jumped
in with both feet in our forums. She is a delight and
a great support to all of our members. I have to say
she is our first featured seller from Canada!
EnfantJoli is absolutely FABULOUS...the perfect little
boutique for that special and original gift for the
little one in your life. An array of hand painted shoes,
clothes and oh so much more...attention to detail is
obvious in each and everyone of her creations. There are
some special pieces for the adult such as hand painted
stamp boxes, trinket boxes and more. You must treat
yourself and take a peek into this unique and beautiful
world of
Corrie just loves to paint and one of her favorite
pass times is junking! She also instilled creativity
and the freedom of being unique to her children. A
wonderful mate and person and we are
thrilled to have her as a part of our wonderful and
unique group of talented artists. I am sure that
Corrie would love to hear from drop her a
little comment here...she will be thrilled! Till
later this week...hugs...pops
a picture perfect weekend and got to enjoy some sunshine.
We have some fun projects coming up...on that I will
write more about the end of this week because right now
I want the light to shine on our Featured Member of the
week...Corrie from
Corrie is one of our teams newest members and has jumped
in with both feet in our forums. She is a delight and
a great support to all of our members. I have to say
she is our first featured seller from Canada!
EnfantJoli is absolutely FABULOUS...the perfect little
boutique for that special and original gift for the
little one in your life. An array of hand painted shoes,
clothes and oh so much more...attention to detail is
obvious in each and everyone of her creations. There are
some special pieces for the adult such as hand painted
stamp boxes, trinket boxes and more. You must treat
yourself and take a peek into this unique and beautiful
world of
Corrie just loves to paint and one of her favorite
pass times is junking! She also instilled creativity
and the freedom of being unique to her children. A
wonderful mate and person and we are
thrilled to have her as a part of our wonderful and
unique group of talented artists. I am sure that
Corrie would love to hear from drop her a
little comment here...she will be thrilled! Till
later this week...hugs...pops
Monday, March 16, 2009
Featured Seller: CatNapCottage
Good Morning to all of my friends on the Cottage Style
Street Team. My wish for you is to have a week filled
with love, creativity, understanding, motivation,
happiness, health and joy. Remember to take a moment
to be thankful for all the gifts that God has given
you or whatever you believe in. Also don't let any
opportunity pass you by to show your loved ones that
they are treasured. Enjoy each passing day.
Well it is that time's Monday and of course
we have a new Cottage Style Street Team member of the
week...drumroll please........It is Cindy from the but from the start I dubbed
her the Royal QUEEN of Chenille!!!! One look at her
incredible shoppe on Etsy and there will be NO question
why that name was given to her.
Cindy is a vintage textile collector and pillow
designer. She has assembled a large array of vintage
fabrics through her travels so each pillow is all
about the fabric it is made from. Each one is special
and has it's own wonderful is that! Cindy
has a special love of barkcloth and has collected
hundreds of yards of this magical with and history. Not only
does she create she shares these treasures in her
shoppe so others can use their imagination and
talents to conjure up a delightful work of art.
The is filled with all kinds
of special vintage finds! You must drop by and take
a will enter a Cottage Land that you will
not want to leave. Cindy is a valuable and wonderful
asset to the Cottage Style Street Team and we are
honored to have her with us. A team player and a
So...make some time and go visit will be a
journey that you enjoy for sure. You will feel all
warm and cozy after your eyes feast on the soft,
fluffy, nubbie and let's not forget yummy and
delicious chenille that has all the comfort of a
a helping of warm homemade peach cobbler with
ice cream! Enjoy! Sending you all hugs...pops
Please leave Cindy a little note to say HI! : )
I have just read the forum posts and our friend
Cindy from the CatNapCottage needs prayers for
some family problems that are serious. Please
take a moment and send Cindy and her family some
prayers and warm thoughts. Hoping and praying
that things get better in your lives.
Street Team. My wish for you is to have a week filled
with love, creativity, understanding, motivation,
happiness, health and joy. Remember to take a moment
to be thankful for all the gifts that God has given
you or whatever you believe in. Also don't let any
opportunity pass you by to show your loved ones that
they are treasured. Enjoy each passing day.
Well it is that time's Monday and of course
we have a new Cottage Style Street Team member of the
week...drumroll please........It is Cindy from the but from the start I dubbed
her the Royal QUEEN of Chenille!!!! One look at her
incredible shoppe on Etsy and there will be NO question
why that name was given to her.
Cindy is a vintage textile collector and pillow
designer. She has assembled a large array of vintage
fabrics through her travels so each pillow is all
about the fabric it is made from. Each one is special
and has it's own wonderful is that! Cindy
has a special love of barkcloth and has collected
hundreds of yards of this magical with and history. Not only
does she create she shares these treasures in her
shoppe so others can use their imagination and
talents to conjure up a delightful work of art.
The is filled with all kinds
of special vintage finds! You must drop by and take
a will enter a Cottage Land that you will
not want to leave. Cindy is a valuable and wonderful
asset to the Cottage Style Street Team and we are
honored to have her with us. A team player and a
So...make some time and go visit will be a
journey that you enjoy for sure. You will feel all
warm and cozy after your eyes feast on the soft,
fluffy, nubbie and let's not forget yummy and
delicious chenille that has all the comfort of a
a helping of warm homemade peach cobbler with
ice cream! Enjoy! Sending you all hugs...pops
Please leave Cindy a little note to say HI! : )
I have just read the forum posts and our friend
Cindy from the CatNapCottage needs prayers for
some family problems that are serious. Please
take a moment and send Cindy and her family some
prayers and warm thoughts. Hoping and praying
that things get better in your lives.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Featured Seller: SimplyFrenchDesigns
Good morning Cottage Style Street Team...hope you
all had a fabulous weekend and enjoyed some of the
warmer weather that blew in for a few days. The
team listings look so beautiful and so SPRING TIME!
Love seeing the sweet Easter Treats and all the
pastels adorning the pages. Looking forward to
seeing more and more incredible creations from the
best team on ETSY : )
Today we are featuring someone that is no stranger
to any of us...Denise from
but this time wearing her
hat or should I say beret! She has this absolutely
delightful shoppe that is like a French Pastry shoppe
filled with delicate treats that will become the
muse to your art. You must drop by and take a peek!
You will say...oooooolala!
Denise is also one of the biggest supporters here
in the wonderful world of the Cottage Style Street
Team...she is always posting finding fabulous goodies!
Denise also shares all the information that she
finds out with us...the latest in Twitter...Etsy...
New Sites and so much more...a generous and giving
friend to us all. We want to let her know how much
she is appreciated and loved here. Hugs to you
Denise from us all!
Now...Denise wrote a little bit about why she
created and wanted to
share it with all of here it is in
Denise's own words : ) I am sure you will enjoy
this little piece of history, I know I did.
I am of French descent on both sides of my family
and as my grandmother use to point out - no one
"intermarried" until this generation. Both sides
of the family tree have been researched back to
the 1600's in Saint-Jean-de-Mortagne, Perche
(Normandy) France. My ancestors on my Dads side
- Our name was originally "Guyon" now Dion,
traveled from France to Quebec and were among
the original 43 settlers of Quebec. (We visited
there and there are parks and streets named after
my ancestors - which my sons thought was very cool)
My fathers parents were from Quebec. My mother was
raised with French as her first language at home
and the Catholic schools she attended. My father's
parents immersed themselves in the English language
and raised their children to be bi-lingual.
My parents spoke French to each other but we spoke
only English. So enough rambling. I have always been
fascinated with my culture and have collected
everything French (both old and new) for many years.
I just find it comforting in some weird way.
Please stop in and say hi to Denise I know she
will so love to see you! Hugs...pops!
all had a fabulous weekend and enjoyed some of the
warmer weather that blew in for a few days. The
team listings look so beautiful and so SPRING TIME!
Love seeing the sweet Easter Treats and all the
pastels adorning the pages. Looking forward to
seeing more and more incredible creations from the
best team on ETSY : )
Today we are featuring someone that is no stranger
to any of us...Denise from
but this time wearing her
hat or should I say beret! She has this absolutely
delightful shoppe that is like a French Pastry shoppe
filled with delicate treats that will become the
muse to your art. You must drop by and take a peek!
You will say...oooooolala!
Denise is also one of the biggest supporters here
in the wonderful world of the Cottage Style Street
Team...she is always posting finding fabulous goodies!
Denise also shares all the information that she
finds out with us...the latest in Twitter...Etsy...
New Sites and so much more...a generous and giving
friend to us all. We want to let her know how much
she is appreciated and loved here. Hugs to you
Denise from us all!
Now...Denise wrote a little bit about why she
created and wanted to
share it with all of here it is in
Denise's own words : ) I am sure you will enjoy
this little piece of history, I know I did.
I am of French descent on both sides of my family
and as my grandmother use to point out - no one
"intermarried" until this generation. Both sides
of the family tree have been researched back to
the 1600's in Saint-Jean-de-Mortagne, Perche
(Normandy) France. My ancestors on my Dads side
- Our name was originally "Guyon" now Dion,
traveled from France to Quebec and were among
the original 43 settlers of Quebec. (We visited
there and there are parks and streets named after
my ancestors - which my sons thought was very cool)
My fathers parents were from Quebec. My mother was
raised with French as her first language at home
and the Catholic schools she attended. My father's
parents immersed themselves in the English language
and raised their children to be bi-lingual.
My parents spoke French to each other but we spoke
only English. So enough rambling. I have always been
fascinated with my culture and have collected
everything French (both old and new) for many years.
I just find it comforting in some weird way.
Please stop in and say hi to Denise I know she
will so love to see you! Hugs...pops!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
News from Sadie
Hi everyone...just a quick note. Most of you
know Sadie and for the newbies she is the lady
that started this group and went onto developing
Lollishops and handed the torch to me (so glad
she did : ) here is a little update she wanted
me to share with you all...
I have some information on the brand new Creative
Cottage Shopper!This shopper/coupon book is open
to vendors from Etsy, LolliShops and eBay!
They will be sold here and at those locations!
Check out the details here first
and then here to sign up:
Thanks ladies!
know Sadie and for the newbies she is the lady
that started this group and went onto developing
Lollishops and handed the torch to me (so glad
she did : ) here is a little update she wanted
me to share with you all...
I have some information on the brand new Creative
Cottage Shopper!This shopper/coupon book is open
to vendors from Etsy, LolliShops and eBay!
They will be sold here and at those locations!
Check out the details here first
and then here to sign up:
Thanks ladies!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Featured Seller: ItalianGirlInGeorgia
Good Morning Everyone...hope you all had a fabulous week and
weekend. Here in New Jersey we have 6 inches of snow and
counting so I think Spring is a little bit in the
distance yet! Where ever you are here' wishing you the
best week ever!
Ok...drumroll please...our featured seller of the week
is an (is that a great name
or what!) Suzanne has an absolutely delightful shoppe
here on etsy and it is filled with incredible treasures!
She is a native San Franciscan who studied at Berkley
and also studied architecture in Florence Italy (the
most beautiful city in the world : ) I also studied art
there!) She met the love of her life 7 years ago and made
the biggest move of her Georgia...hence
the signature name.
She has such variety in her shoppe and an offering
called All Goached Up featuring one of a kind gouache,
watercolour, and pen and ink illustrations. Suzanne
also has a fascinating collection of photography
that transports you to different parts of the word
and invokes deep emotions. Her shoppe is diverse and
exciting so if you have a chance...please drop by and
Suzanne is relatively new to our group and I am
sure she would love to get to know you all better
so leave her a comment...drop her a line to say hi!
This is such a gracious group I have
to tell you that you are all spectacular and just
incredible when it comes to being a support to
your fellow artists...KUDOS to each and every
one of you!!!
Also all of you blog lovers...Suzanne has one...
take a peek!
My Blog:
Here's wishing you all a creative and wonderful
week! Hugs and Ciao Bellas!...pops
weekend. Here in New Jersey we have 6 inches of snow and
counting so I think Spring is a little bit in the
distance yet! Where ever you are here' wishing you the
best week ever!
Ok...drumroll please...our featured seller of the week
is an (is that a great name
or what!) Suzanne has an absolutely delightful shoppe
here on etsy and it is filled with incredible treasures!
She is a native San Franciscan who studied at Berkley
and also studied architecture in Florence Italy (the
most beautiful city in the world : ) I also studied art
there!) She met the love of her life 7 years ago and made
the biggest move of her Georgia...hence
the signature name.
She has such variety in her shoppe and an offering
called All Goached Up featuring one of a kind gouache,
watercolour, and pen and ink illustrations. Suzanne
also has a fascinating collection of photography
that transports you to different parts of the word
and invokes deep emotions. Her shoppe is diverse and
exciting so if you have a chance...please drop by and
Suzanne is relatively new to our group and I am
sure she would love to get to know you all better
so leave her a comment...drop her a line to say hi!
This is such a gracious group I have
to tell you that you are all spectacular and just
incredible when it comes to being a support to
your fellow artists...KUDOS to each and every
one of you!!!
Also all of you blog lovers...Suzanne has one...
take a peek!
My Blog:
Here's wishing you all a creative and wonderful
week! Hugs and Ciao Bellas!...pops
Monday, February 23, 2009
Featured Seller: SugaredSongBird
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team Members! Hope
your weekend was a wonderful one. Well that Spring
season is approaching rapidly...Wednesday starts the
40 day count down to the Easter Season so I think we
are going to start seeing many more little cotton-
tails popping up in the CSSTeam listings. Looking
forward to seeing all of your creations and wishing
you nothing but the best!
Well it is time for the Featured Seller of the Week
and today we have a relative newbie...Jen from the one with the
gorgeous avatar! She has jumped into our forums
with both feet and is a fabulous addition to our
outstanding team. Jen is a cheerleader and a
dedicated supporter of everyone and it is so
appreciated...we want you to know that we enjoy
having you in our little Cottage corner of the
world and we are grateful for all that you do to
promote us all.
Jen's shoppe is filled with such delicious goodness.
Supplies that are heartfelt...imaginative and just
plain gorgeous! You must take a peek and I am sure
you will agree!
Jen is a paper artist and in her own words she says
that she has expanding interests...loves learning
new techniques and yes...she has discovered GLITTER
and all its wonders!!!! Please drop by and say hi
to Jen...send her your heart and a little comment...
I am sure she would adore that. Also...stop by her
Jen...we are so happy to have you with us and we
are all sending you hugs...pops!
your weekend was a wonderful one. Well that Spring
season is approaching rapidly...Wednesday starts the
40 day count down to the Easter Season so I think we
are going to start seeing many more little cotton-
tails popping up in the CSSTeam listings. Looking
forward to seeing all of your creations and wishing
you nothing but the best!
Well it is time for the Featured Seller of the Week
and today we have a relative newbie...Jen from the one with the
gorgeous avatar! She has jumped into our forums
with both feet and is a fabulous addition to our
outstanding team. Jen is a cheerleader and a
dedicated supporter of everyone and it is so
appreciated...we want you to know that we enjoy
having you in our little Cottage corner of the
world and we are grateful for all that you do to
promote us all.
Jen's shoppe is filled with such delicious goodness.
Supplies that are heartfelt...imaginative and just
plain gorgeous! You must take a peek and I am sure
you will agree!
Jen is a paper artist and in her own words she says
that she has expanding interests...loves learning
new techniques and yes...she has discovered GLITTER
and all its wonders!!!! Please drop by and say hi
to Jen...send her your heart and a little comment...
I am sure she would adore that. Also...stop by her
Jen...we are so happy to have you with us and we
are all sending you hugs...pops!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Featured Seller: WildGypsyArt
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Happy
NEW WEEK to you ALL! Hope everyone had a
wonderful Valentines Day. Now is the time to
think SPRING TIME...yes even though it is 16
degrees this morning...Spring is on it's way...
really! Can't wait to see the pastels...the
bunnies...the flowers! So get those creative
juices cooking and we all look forward to the
beautiful and precious creations you have in-
store for us all. is that time again...Featured Seller
of the Week! Today we have someone that is
newer to our Group and I would like you to
meet her up close and personal and she is a
Jersey Girl...Carolyn from
She has a whimsical style that is purely
delightful. She has been a professional artist
since 1970 and sold on ebay for years with
great success and is not testing the etsy
waters. She has a blog: I am sure
you will enjoy it. She has been fortunate
to have her works published in books,
magazines and has had her artwork featured
on greeting cards and more.
Looking forward to seeing her more in the
Cottage Style Street Team forums. She is
much like a few of our members and is very
savvy when it comes to Twittering...Blogging...
networking so I am sure we can all learn
from her experiences.
Please Drop by and say hello...give her your
heart and enjoy her creative and very
happy work. I am very happy to have met
you Carolyn and I look forward to my
friends here at CSST to get to know you
NEW WEEK to you ALL! Hope everyone had a
wonderful Valentines Day. Now is the time to
think SPRING TIME...yes even though it is 16
degrees this morning...Spring is on it's way...
really! Can't wait to see the pastels...the
bunnies...the flowers! So get those creative
juices cooking and we all look forward to the
beautiful and precious creations you have in-
store for us all. is that time again...Featured Seller
of the Week! Today we have someone that is
newer to our Group and I would like you to
meet her up close and personal and she is a
Jersey Girl...Carolyn from
She has a whimsical style that is purely
delightful. She has been a professional artist
since 1970 and sold on ebay for years with
great success and is not testing the etsy
waters. She has a blog: I am sure
you will enjoy it. She has been fortunate
to have her works published in books,
magazines and has had her artwork featured
on greeting cards and more.
Looking forward to seeing her more in the
Cottage Style Street Team forums. She is
much like a few of our members and is very
savvy when it comes to Twittering...Blogging...
networking so I am sure we can all learn
from her experiences.
Please Drop by and say hello...give her your
heart and enjoy her creative and very
happy work. I am very happy to have met
you Carolyn and I look forward to my
friends here at CSST to get to know you
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