Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team and I hope
this blog post finds you happy, healthy and busy
for the upcoming holiday season which has officially
started! Many of you have participated in the
Black Friday and The Cyber Monday events on Etsy
and I hope that the sales are rolling in for everyone!
Today we have are featuring our friend Connie from Connie is a delight and such
a wonderful team member, friend and Cssteam Family
member. Always out there on the forums posting and
promoting us all. I thought that this little
Christmas Shoppe is perfect for a little spotlight
this week so I hope you have fun strolling through
this adorable shoppe for vintage holiday goodies!
Before we go shopping...let's get to know Connie
a little bit better! As you all know we are doing
a little fun bio of our members now so I hope you
Let's start with FAVORITES : )
favorite food pizza
favorite color yellow
favorite tv shows American Idol, House
favorite music country
favorite movies Heidi with Shirley Temple
your favorite vintage piece impossible to say, I love all vintage
Connie and family have a special little pet named Bosco, a boxer.
He likes to be picked up like a child when you come home and hug you.
He will very emotional and will sit and cry if you ignore him.
If you were stranded on an island...what 5 things would you
take with you? My 5 kids, maybe not what you meant, but they
are my pride and joy and the only thing that matters to me.
Now I asked...what would you take if the kids were a given :)
here is that answer...
Survival??? Mascara,lipstick, good book, coffee, iced tea with
lemon, I'd be set! Now, I'm wondering what that says about
me??? I started drinking coffee at age 14 on a camping trip,
of course with lots of cream and sugar. I now drink it black.
Ice tea was served at every meal. I was a bookworm growing up
and still love to read but don't have the time. And makeup?
Well, can't live without that! I sold cosmetics for several
years and can never have enough!!
How long have you been business?
I started in 1993 by selling in antique malls.
How long have you sold on line?
2 1/2 years, but it seems longer than that!
what prompted you to sell online? to generate more income.
How many sites to you sell on and give the links :
My Trinkets and Treasures
(being switched to a new domain with my etsy
shop name Antiques Galore Gal)
Bewitching Hollow
Antiques Galore Gal
Vintage Tinsel
Antiques Galore Gal
Do you sell off line in an antique or craft shop?
I started in 1993 by selling in antique malls.
At one time I was in 5 different ones, 2 of which were 1
hour away in different directions from my home.
I opened up a brick and mortar in Kimmswick, Missouri
almost 8 years ago. Kimmswick is a historical town with
90 residents that sits on the banks of the mighty
Mississippi river. It is about 30" south of St. Louis.
Anything else you would like us to know : )
I am a proud member of the etsy cssteam.
Well I bet you know Connie a lot better now and hope
you enjoyed your little visit with let's
take a peek at and don't forget
to drop by! Thank you Connie
for being such a wonderful family member!!! We all
are sending you hugs and please send Connie a heart if
you all ready haven't and drop a little comment for a smile!
and antiquesgaloregal...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Featured Seller: RoseRidgeCreations
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team and HAPPY MONDAY!
Well I have been looking around at all the incredible listings
that we have from CSST and WOW and I impressed and we hit
OVER the 10,000 mark -- how great is that! We are making out
mark in the wonderful world of ETSY and I hope more and more
people begin to notice us...we sure do have style and talent
that is all I can say. I wish you all tons of sales and the
Well it is time for another Featured Member of the WEEK!!!!
Today we celebrate -- Oh what
a delightful shoppe she has! You have to take a peek and
send her your heart! RoseRidge is always busy promoting the
team and being a great friend to all! We so appreciate her
and everything that she does! Now as you know we started a
new format so we get to know our team mates a little bit better!
Well here in her own words is a insiders view!
And here's my story: My favorite food is anything that my
husband cooks. He's such a wonderful cook that I actually hate
to go to restaurants. My favorite color is green. It's the color
of nature and life. I love reality shows. Blame it on the voyeur
in me. I love to see how other people live. I love all kinds of
good music, but am really enjoying the new Barbara Streisand cd.
My favorite single of the moment is the Black Eyed Peas "Today's
Gonna Be a Good Day." It's such a positive song and it's
impossible to be in a bad mood when you hear it. My favorite
movies are City of Angels, An Affair to Remember and A Star
Is Born. Both versions of the last two. A good movie is a good
movie no matter when it's made. My favorite vintage piece is my
grandmother's wedding ring that I inherited when she passed on.
It makes me smile every time I look at it. She was a wonderful woman.
Everyone on Etsy knows my pet. She's the star of my shop.
Miss Bianca is the light of my life and I love spending everyday
with her. I rescued her from the wrong family that was giving
her away and she's loved me for it ever since. We recently
rescued a cat that was dropped in our neighborhood. She showed
up very sick and emaciated and she's the picture of health now.
The only problem is Miss Bianca doesn't like to share.
We're working on that. They're slowing warming up to one another.
If I were stranded on a desert island the five things I'd want
to have with me are these two little furry angels and my hubby,
my hubby, my hubby. If I have these guys I have everything.
I've been sewing for 37 years, but only charging for my creations
for the last year. About a year ago I started getting a strong
message from my employer that my job was in danger and I was
given my walking papers on March 4th of this year.
Very shortly after that I opened my Etsy shop and have been
loving the creative environment. Etsy has helped me make
lemonade out of the lemons that life has given me. I have
tried selling on other sites and there just isn't the same positive
environment that I've found on Etsy. I feel like this is exactly
what I'm supposed to be doing at exactly the right time in my
life. Thank you Etsy and all the wonderful and talented people
who buy and sell here!
Wasn't that FUN!!!! drop a little comment throughout the week!
CONGRATS and we all thank you for being our friend!!!! : )
Well I have been looking around at all the incredible listings
that we have from CSST and WOW and I impressed and we hit
OVER the 10,000 mark -- how great is that! We are making out
mark in the wonderful world of ETSY and I hope more and more
people begin to notice us...we sure do have style and talent
that is all I can say. I wish you all tons of sales and the
Well it is time for another Featured Member of the WEEK!!!!
Today we celebrate -- Oh what
a delightful shoppe she has! You have to take a peek and
send her your heart! RoseRidge is always busy promoting the
team and being a great friend to all! We so appreciate her
and everything that she does! Now as you know we started a
new format so we get to know our team mates a little bit better!
Well here in her own words is a insiders view!
And here's my story: My favorite food is anything that my
husband cooks. He's such a wonderful cook that I actually hate
to go to restaurants. My favorite color is green. It's the color
of nature and life. I love reality shows. Blame it on the voyeur
in me. I love to see how other people live. I love all kinds of
good music, but am really enjoying the new Barbara Streisand cd.
My favorite single of the moment is the Black Eyed Peas "Today's
Gonna Be a Good Day." It's such a positive song and it's
impossible to be in a bad mood when you hear it. My favorite
movies are City of Angels, An Affair to Remember and A Star
Is Born. Both versions of the last two. A good movie is a good
movie no matter when it's made. My favorite vintage piece is my
grandmother's wedding ring that I inherited when she passed on.
It makes me smile every time I look at it. She was a wonderful woman.
Everyone on Etsy knows my pet. She's the star of my shop.
Miss Bianca is the light of my life and I love spending everyday
with her. I rescued her from the wrong family that was giving
her away and she's loved me for it ever since. We recently
rescued a cat that was dropped in our neighborhood. She showed
up very sick and emaciated and she's the picture of health now.
The only problem is Miss Bianca doesn't like to share.
We're working on that. They're slowing warming up to one another.
If I were stranded on a desert island the five things I'd want
to have with me are these two little furry angels and my hubby,
my hubby, my hubby. If I have these guys I have everything.
I've been sewing for 37 years, but only charging for my creations
for the last year. About a year ago I started getting a strong
message from my employer that my job was in danger and I was
given my walking papers on March 4th of this year.
Very shortly after that I opened my Etsy shop and have been
loving the creative environment. Etsy has helped me make
lemonade out of the lemons that life has given me. I have
tried selling on other sites and there just isn't the same positive
environment that I've found on Etsy. I feel like this is exactly
what I'm supposed to be doing at exactly the right time in my
life. Thank you Etsy and all the wonderful and talented people
who buy and sell here!
Wasn't that FUN!!!! drop a little comment throughout the week!
CONGRATS and we all thank you for being our friend!!!! : )
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Featured Seller: SimpleJoysPaperie
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! I know I
have been absent from our fabulous blog for a bit
but as most of you know my mother in law Mary was
very ill with terminal brain cancer and was in
hospice care...she passed to the grand heavens this
week and may she rest in peace. My family and I thank you
for all of your love and are truly the
greatest...sending you all love and hugs. pops, family
and doxies : )
Now I am sure you are all ready to meet the Member
of the week!!! This is the first of many...we have
changed our style a little bit...thought you would like
to really get to know our members so this is a new
style of feature that I hope you enjoy. Drum Roll
Meet Lana from
Well Lana has been a member for awhile now and has been
stealing many a show with her front page exposure and
being featured in the gift guide and her beautiful
wreaths flash on the front page banner countless times
a day : ) We are all so happy for her. Her work is
fabulous...intricate and oh so original and unique. We
all have a love and admiration for vintage and what
she creates with those vintage pages is just amazing.
We also want to thank her for her support of our team.
Now let's get to know her a little bit better!
We will start with some favs!
What is your favorite movies:
Road to Avonlea, Cranford (Elizabeth Gaskell), North
and South, Wives and Daughters, The Jane Austen novel
movies, practially all period movies by Masterpiece
Theater and BBC.
what is your favorite tv show: Fringe
Favorite music:
Traditional gospel, contemporary Christian artists,
Enya,Celtic Woman
favorite colors:
white, cream, ivory, aqua, brown, coral
your favorite vintage piece:
a huge white ironstone pitcher I got for a song
do you have a pet? name? kind?
Are you ready?
Sam - Maine Coon mix from my Mom a few years before she
passed away
Scooter - abandoned kitten we took in
Samson – blind Pekingese my son brought home from a foster home
Snowflake – Mountain Fiest we got as a pup about 10 years ago
Smokey – TN walking horse
Pierre – Americana rooster
Colette – Americana hen
Buffy – buff orpington hen
Big Brown Girl – Colette & Pierre’s baby (now grown)
Bobbie Jo – barred rock hen (her sisters were Betty
Jo and Billie Jo)
Eowyn – white rock hen
Little Girls – 2 banty hens
How long have you been in business?
A little more than 10 years.
How long have you sold on line?
I think since 2003
What prompted you to sell online?
A friend had told me about eBay and a few Yahoo
craft groups and I decided to try those and reach a
broadercustomer base. Later, I discovered Etsy, too!
How many sites do you sell on?
1.etsy (2 shops:
2. my website (
3. Simply Primitives
4. TDIPT Mercantile (
5. The Eclectic Artisans
Do you sell off line in an antique or craft store? I currently
sell my handmade items at The Commissary in the historic
Victorian village of Rugby, TN (, and
in a gift shop in Oak Ridge, TN called The Ferrell Shop.
I also do one craft show each June. It’s the Lavender Festival
in Oak Ridge, TN.
Well I bet you know a lot more about our friend
Lana...I just noticed I forgot to as her her fav
food...i will have to add that later and if there
are other questions you would like asked to our
friends...just drop me a convo and it will be
added to our next feature : )
Hope you enjoyed and thank you so much Lana...this
was fun and we all send you hugs and wish you
all the best that life has to offer!
I am sure Lana would love to hear from you ...
drop her a little comment here : )
Here is the gorgeous shoppe and don't forget
to sheck out her other fabulous shoppe:
have been absent from our fabulous blog for a bit
but as most of you know my mother in law Mary was
very ill with terminal brain cancer and was in
hospice care...she passed to the grand heavens this
week and may she rest in peace. My family and I thank you
for all of your love and are truly the
greatest...sending you all love and hugs. pops, family
and doxies : )
Now I am sure you are all ready to meet the Member
of the week!!! This is the first of many...we have
changed our style a little bit...thought you would like
to really get to know our members so this is a new
style of feature that I hope you enjoy. Drum Roll
Meet Lana from
Well Lana has been a member for awhile now and has been
stealing many a show with her front page exposure and
being featured in the gift guide and her beautiful
wreaths flash on the front page banner countless times
a day : ) We are all so happy for her. Her work is
fabulous...intricate and oh so original and unique. We
all have a love and admiration for vintage and what
she creates with those vintage pages is just amazing.
We also want to thank her for her support of our team.
Now let's get to know her a little bit better!
We will start with some favs!
What is your favorite movies:
Road to Avonlea, Cranford (Elizabeth Gaskell), North
and South, Wives and Daughters, The Jane Austen novel
movies, practially all period movies by Masterpiece
Theater and BBC.
what is your favorite tv show: Fringe
Favorite music:
Traditional gospel, contemporary Christian artists,
Enya,Celtic Woman
favorite colors:
white, cream, ivory, aqua, brown, coral
your favorite vintage piece:
a huge white ironstone pitcher I got for a song
do you have a pet? name? kind?
Are you ready?
Sam - Maine Coon mix from my Mom a few years before she
passed away
Scooter - abandoned kitten we took in
Samson – blind Pekingese my son brought home from a foster home
Snowflake – Mountain Fiest we got as a pup about 10 years ago
Smokey – TN walking horse
Pierre – Americana rooster
Colette – Americana hen
Buffy – buff orpington hen
Big Brown Girl – Colette & Pierre’s baby (now grown)
Bobbie Jo – barred rock hen (her sisters were Betty
Jo and Billie Jo)
Eowyn – white rock hen
Little Girls – 2 banty hens
How long have you been in business?
A little more than 10 years.
How long have you sold on line?
I think since 2003
What prompted you to sell online?
A friend had told me about eBay and a few Yahoo
craft groups and I decided to try those and reach a
broadercustomer base. Later, I discovered Etsy, too!
How many sites do you sell on?
1.etsy (2 shops:
2. my website (
3. Simply Primitives
4. TDIPT Mercantile (
5. The Eclectic Artisans
Do you sell off line in an antique or craft store? I currently
sell my handmade items at The Commissary in the historic
Victorian village of Rugby, TN (, and
in a gift shop in Oak Ridge, TN called The Ferrell Shop.
I also do one craft show each June. It’s the Lavender Festival
in Oak Ridge, TN.
Well I bet you know a lot more about our friend
Lana...I just noticed I forgot to as her her fav
food...i will have to add that later and if there
are other questions you would like asked to our
friends...just drop me a convo and it will be
added to our next feature : )
Hope you enjoyed and thank you so much Lana...this
was fun and we all send you hugs and wish you
all the best that life has to offer!
I am sure Lana would love to hear from you ...
drop her a little comment here : )
Here is the gorgeous shoppe and don't forget
to sheck out her other fabulous shoppe:
Monday, August 10, 2009
Cottage Hits the Somerset Style!
A big hello to everyone! I hope you are all staying cool.
The heatwave is starting up again today so take care of
yourselves and stay hydrated! Well we had a good week
of promoing on our thread but alas Etsy is very slow
and I think that twitter being down a bit hurt here
and there. But now on the HIGHER end of life...the
holidays are on their way (could use some of that Fall
weather) are going back to school and all of
this means that Etsy sales will be up really soon so
keep on creating and coming up with marvelous artwork,
creative supplies, spectacular vintage and oh so
much more...I feel the sales fairy coming through the
air and about to land!
Oh we have some big news!!!! In lieu of our featured
seller of the week we are featuring three of our
family members... Tina from and
Diane from and
Tammy -- They are SOMERSET
STARS this month! Yes...two of our friends have been
featured in Somerset and oh how fabulous they look.
Cottage Style is getting more attention out there
ladies! How exciting is this! These lovely ladies deserve
every bit of their fame (hopefully fortune :) and we
all want to celebrate and congratulate them!
Stop by --
Send them your heart and send them a little comment
here...I know they would love that!
Another HUGE CONGRATULATIONS from the entire
Cottage Style Street Time FAMILY!!!! We are soooooo
happy for you both! Hugs from us all!!!!
Presenting and this AMAZING
Creation! A true work of ART!

Presenting and her precious
mini signs! Too CUTE!

The heatwave is starting up again today so take care of
yourselves and stay hydrated! Well we had a good week
of promoing on our thread but alas Etsy is very slow
and I think that twitter being down a bit hurt here
and there. But now on the HIGHER end of life...the
holidays are on their way (could use some of that Fall
weather) are going back to school and all of
this means that Etsy sales will be up really soon so
keep on creating and coming up with marvelous artwork,
creative supplies, spectacular vintage and oh so
much more...I feel the sales fairy coming through the
air and about to land!
Oh we have some big news!!!! In lieu of our featured
seller of the week we are featuring three of our
family members... Tina from and
Diane from and
Tammy -- They are SOMERSET
STARS this month! Yes...two of our friends have been
featured in Somerset and oh how fabulous they look.
Cottage Style is getting more attention out there
ladies! How exciting is this! These lovely ladies deserve
every bit of their fame (hopefully fortune :) and we
all want to celebrate and congratulate them!
Stop by --
Send them your heart and send them a little comment
here...I know they would love that!
Another HUGE CONGRATULATIONS from the entire
Cottage Style Street Time FAMILY!!!! We are soooooo
happy for you both! Hugs from us all!!!!
Presenting and this AMAZING
Creation! A true work of ART!

Presenting and her precious
mini signs! Too CUTE!


Monday, August 3, 2009
Featured Seller: PetitePear
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Hope you all had
a wonderful weekend and are ready for the new week ahead.
Nothing earth shattering happening this week but I will
say there has been a lot of chatting and promoing going
on and that is FABULOUS!
It is a really slow time on Etsy and I know that many of
you are a little down about it (myself included)...we all
have to hang in each other...send each
other a smile throughout the day and keep on promoing...
I completely believe it is the time of year and come the
middle of September when things get back to "normal" I
am sure the sales will pick up...YAY TEAM! : ) lol!!!
So hang in there -- there will be a light at the end
of the tunnel soon...I know it!!! : )
Well it is time to celebrate another Featured Member of
the week and today we introduce one of our newest members
Jenn from -- What a sensational shoppe
she has. If you are looking for the perfect card for
ANY occasion...this is the place to look! Her designs are
so gorgeous you will want to spend hours looking at all the
goodies she has in her store.
Jenn has had a love affair with paper for a long time! Any
type and kind she instantly falls in love with and oh the
creations she brings to life are amazing! I am sure that
she would love you to come on over...take a peek...send
her your heart and maybe leave a little comment here on
the blog. Come on over and share the love with the greatest
street team on ETSY!!!! If you ever forget...I have to
remind you all ROCK and are the BEST EVER!!!
Love you all...hugs...pops!
a wonderful weekend and are ready for the new week ahead.
Nothing earth shattering happening this week but I will
say there has been a lot of chatting and promoing going
on and that is FABULOUS!
It is a really slow time on Etsy and I know that many of
you are a little down about it (myself included)...we all
have to hang in each other...send each
other a smile throughout the day and keep on promoing...
I completely believe it is the time of year and come the
middle of September when things get back to "normal" I
am sure the sales will pick up...YAY TEAM! : ) lol!!!
So hang in there -- there will be a light at the end
of the tunnel soon...I know it!!! : )
Well it is time to celebrate another Featured Member of
the week and today we introduce one of our newest members
Jenn from -- What a sensational shoppe
she has. If you are looking for the perfect card for
ANY occasion...this is the place to look! Her designs are
so gorgeous you will want to spend hours looking at all the
goodies she has in her store.
Jenn has had a love affair with paper for a long time! Any
type and kind she instantly falls in love with and oh the
creations she brings to life are amazing! I am sure that
she would love you to come on over...take a peek...send
her your heart and maybe leave a little comment here on
the blog. Come on over and share the love with the greatest
street team on ETSY!!!! If you ever forget...I have to
remind you all ROCK and are the BEST EVER!!!
Love you all...hugs...pops!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Featured Seller:DishyVintage
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team! Hope you all had
a wonderful week and weekend and ready for the new week
ahead! Not much to go over today except that we have a
new thread and I have to say that it is hopping for the
summer time which couldn't make me happier. Hopefully in
about another 2 months we will have a live chat happening
at least once a month and that is something fun to look
forward to also. For now...enjoy your Summer and work
on all of those holiday treats and we will be running
another CSST special come the fall...SUGGESTIONS are
always welcomed!!!! so email or convo or discuss on the
thread...we are a 100 percent open team here so go for it.
Well we have a new featured seller of the week today.
Drum roll is Alison from Alison is one of our newest
members and she has jumped right into our threads and
is getting to know everyone and that always makes us
happy...the door is always open to new friends and
family members here at CSST! Alison has an adorable's a source for vintage linens, trims and
lace, papercrafting supplies and paper ephemera,
delightful crafting kits, and vintage whimsy! She is
a stay at home mom with 2 girls which i have heard
have caught the crafting bug (LOVE IT!!!) Please
drop by ...say hi to Alison...
send her your heart and leave her a little comment
here...that is always fun for the featured member!
We want to welcome Alison into our family and let
her know how much we appreciate her...WELCOME!!!
sending you hugs from us all...pops and the
CSSTEAM family! : )
a wonderful week and weekend and ready for the new week
ahead! Not much to go over today except that we have a
new thread and I have to say that it is hopping for the
summer time which couldn't make me happier. Hopefully in
about another 2 months we will have a live chat happening
at least once a month and that is something fun to look
forward to also. For now...enjoy your Summer and work
on all of those holiday treats and we will be running
another CSST special come the fall...SUGGESTIONS are
always welcomed!!!! so email or convo or discuss on the
thread...we are a 100 percent open team here so go for it.
Well we have a new featured seller of the week today.
Drum roll is Alison from Alison is one of our newest
members and she has jumped right into our threads and
is getting to know everyone and that always makes us
happy...the door is always open to new friends and
family members here at CSST! Alison has an adorable's a source for vintage linens, trims and
lace, papercrafting supplies and paper ephemera,
delightful crafting kits, and vintage whimsy! She is
a stay at home mom with 2 girls which i have heard
have caught the crafting bug (LOVE IT!!!) Please
drop by ...say hi to Alison...
send her your heart and leave her a little comment
here...that is always fun for the featured member!
We want to welcome Alison into our family and let
her know how much we appreciate her...WELCOME!!!
sending you hugs from us all...pops and the
CSSTEAM family! : )
Monday, July 20, 2009
Featured Seller: AntiquesGaloreGal
Good Morning Cottage Style Street Team...yes it is a new
week and we have started a new thread on Etsy in the
Promotional Section and in the Team Section. Here is the
link to the promotional thread:
Here is the link to the chat thread:
Both of these threads will run through the month of
August so if you ever have a question about where we
are...that is where we will be until September 1, 2009.
If you have any questions about how this works...just
take a peek at our promotional thread and my opening...
hopefully that will tell you what you need to know. If
you want it in a nut shell...the promotional thread
basically stays exactly the way it was...a bit of chat...
a place to ask questions...a place to share new finds...
share new ideas and all kinds of wonderful things! If
you happen to be on with and you feel like you and
your friend or friends would like to have a long
chat...hop over to the chat forum...that is the only
time you need to go over there : ) also...if you have
any reservations or questions about this just ask ok...
but I need you to know that you really have no
restrictions : ) We are a family of friends!!! for the event you all wait for on Monday
morning...Featured Seller of the week...drum roll please drop
by Connie's is absolutely precious!
Filled with such vintage fabulous vintage finds!
Connie goes on a weekly excursion...hunting down
incredible collectibles at flea markets and
estate sales! WOW...what she finds is amazing...
each goodie she comes up with strikes a chord
to times gone by and brings the warm and loving
memory back to you. Connie is also an active
member of our team...always promoting a friend
and always willing to jump right in there to
lend a hand or share information. We are very
happy to have her as a part of our Cottage
Family and we want her to know how much we love
and appreciate her! So stop by her shoppe...
give her your heart and leave a little comment
here...I am sure she would love to hear from you!
Hugs to all...pops!
week and we have started a new thread on Etsy in the
Promotional Section and in the Team Section. Here is the
link to the promotional thread:
Here is the link to the chat thread:
Both of these threads will run through the month of
August so if you ever have a question about where we
are...that is where we will be until September 1, 2009.
If you have any questions about how this works...just
take a peek at our promotional thread and my opening...
hopefully that will tell you what you need to know. If
you want it in a nut shell...the promotional thread
basically stays exactly the way it was...a bit of chat...
a place to ask questions...a place to share new finds...
share new ideas and all kinds of wonderful things! If
you happen to be on with and you feel like you and
your friend or friends would like to have a long
chat...hop over to the chat forum...that is the only
time you need to go over there : ) also...if you have
any reservations or questions about this just ask ok...
but I need you to know that you really have no
restrictions : ) We are a family of friends!!! for the event you all wait for on Monday
morning...Featured Seller of the week...drum roll please drop
by Connie's is absolutely precious!
Filled with such vintage fabulous vintage finds!
Connie goes on a weekly excursion...hunting down
incredible collectibles at flea markets and
estate sales! WOW...what she finds is amazing...
each goodie she comes up with strikes a chord
to times gone by and brings the warm and loving
memory back to you. Connie is also an active
member of our team...always promoting a friend
and always willing to jump right in there to
lend a hand or share information. We are very
happy to have her as a part of our Cottage
Family and we want her to know how much we love
and appreciate her! So stop by her shoppe...
give her your heart and leave a little comment
here...I am sure she would love to hear from you!
Hugs to all...pops!
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